Cannot upload file to Message: Error uploading file: Sorry but a zero length file was uploaded. (Code 228). Obviously the file has a content! Still the same error. What can I do? I just created a new file with only one qso. Same result.
I have the same problem today - my friend uploaded ADIF to his QRZ and one time he succeeded - I still have the same problem
I solved this problem by clearing cookies in my browsers. Strangely enough, this problem occurred in all browsers on both computers I use. Only when I downloaded a new browser and logged in to QRZ was I able to upload the adif file from WSJTX; the problem was completely solved by cleaning the previously used browser.
Hi! Thank you very much for sharing! However, that wasn't the problem. I believe the issue was w/ QRZ. After posting on this thread, I also submitted a ticket to QRZ. And the issue was resolved in less than an hour. I was able to upload my logs without clearing cookies or cache nor changing browsers. My apologies for not updating my post last night; and thank you once again for reaching out! Clearing cookies and cache are always a good idea and maybe that info will help someone else one day.
Yes, I also heard that has problems sometimes. However, first I recommend checking whether the problem is not in the web browser. What made me think was a QSO with another friend on this subject, who told me that at the same time his logs were loaded into QRZ without any error - while my attempts to load ADIF ended in an error.