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EM75FA special event station

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by UR5FAI, Mar 17, 2019.

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  1. UR5FAI

    UR5FAI Ham Member QRZ Page

    Good day. I want to inform you, that EM75FA special event station in honor of the liberation of Odesa city in World War II will be active since 6th till 14th of April 2019. QSL via UT7FA.

    The activity days of Odesa and Odes'ka oblast HAM operators will be held also in that days. You can recieve electronic award, if you will make one of the following reqirement. The conditions are bellow and on EM75FA page on

    Conditions of the days of activity devoted to the 75th anniversary of the liberation of city Odesa from the nazi invaders in World War II (10th of April, 1944).

    Days of activity will be held since 6th till 14th of April, 2019.

    You have to make one of the following reqirement during terms of the days of activity to receive an electronic version of award “75 years of the liberation of Odesa in World War II”:

    - To make 2 (two) QSOs on HF bands OR 1 (one) QSO on VHF/UHF bands with special memorial station EM75FA. In this case dupes are valid on each new mode OR on each new band OR next days after 1st QSO with this station.

    - To make 5 (five) QSOs on only 1 (one) HF band with different stations from Odesa or Odes’ka oblast. In this case dupes with the same stations are valid on each new mode only.

    - To make 10 (ten) QSOs on all HF bands with different stations from Odesa or Odes’ka oblast. In this case dupes with the same stations are valid on each new band OR each new mode.

    - To make 3 (three) QSOs on all UHF/ VHF bands with different stations from Odesa or Odes’ka oblast (excluding QSOs on the repeaters).

    An electronic award is free in charge . You have to send a request to the e-mail of our award manager UT2FC Anatoly till the 1st of May, 2019 with e-mail on which your electronic award needed to be sent. Request is needed to be in one of the text format (ADIF, TXT, Microsoft Word or Excel etc).

    E-mail for your requests is


    - Ukrainian HAM Radio callsigns with first letter “F” in the suffix belongs to operators from Odesa or Odes’ka oblast. For examples, UT7FA, UT2FC, UR5FIL etc.

    - Non-standart callsigns of operators from Odesa or Odes’ka oblast are: UX5CQ, UX5HY, UY5HC, UT5RP, UT5RO, UT5RW.


    LINACRUISE1467 QRZ Member

    Kids are allowed?
  3. UR5FAI

    UR5FAI Ham Member QRZ Page

    yes indeed

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