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DX nets

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by Guest, Oct 5, 2000.

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  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    VK3BFC writes "When all else fails and you feel like a bit of "easy" dx.
    Why not try one of the many DX Nets on the air. I shall only mention 2 that i use regularly.

    First the southern cross dx net. This net operates on 14226.5 each day at 1100 UTC. It generally has many VK & Oceania stations on it and the net controller's are a friendly bunch.

    Second The ANZA (Australia, new zealand & Africa) Net. This operates on 14182 at 0500 UTC daily. It has much more DX on it. especially africa and sth atlantic stations. In particular ZD7,ZD8,ZD9,ZS,TU and many more.

    There are many DX Nets out there so why not give one a try one day when the dx just isn't heading in the direction of your qth.
    You may be surprised and suddenly find your working that elusive country you have been after for ages.

  2. WA4DOU

    WA4DOU Ham Member QRZ Page

    I won't work DX if I have to resort to doing it via a "net"!
  3. WG7X

    WG7X Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm not proud, if there is a rare DX station on a net, I'll stand in line with the rest of the list lizards to make that ever elusive QSO. There have been times when the DX seemed to go to the net to elude the raging pile-up that would otherwise occur. I respect their desires in this area and for that reason alone, I might get in line to work them.

    But... let's face it: for the most part, DX nets are for those who can't work the DX any other way. For this reason alone, they earn the undying scorn of the deserving. If you need to be spoon-fed your DX ration, well then, go for it!

    If not, then join in the pile-up with the rest of us!

    Gary "When last heard you were 2x2, 22 rifle-shot , over-over" WG7X
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