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Downloadable Repeater Directories Available now

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by AB9IF, Feb 14, 2009.

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  1. AB9IF

    AB9IF Ham Member QRZ Page

    Just wanted to let everyone know that USREPEATERS.COM now has downloadable repeater directories. Download in PDF format. With over 18,000 repeaters listed

    These directories are generated from the database the second you click. So it is always uptodate with the latest information.

    In the event you find a edit that needs to be made you can log into the website. make the edit and as soon as the change takes place simply redownload the directory and print it, save it on your desktop or use it however.

    This feature has been the most asked for feature from our users.

    144_148, 420_450, 902_928, and 222_225 are online right now at with 51_54, 29.5_29.7, and 1240+ due to be activated this weekend.

    Here is a sample pic for everyone and as you can see you have full PDF control and the directory prints on 8-1/2x11 Letter size paper for better viewing.

  2. KD0CAC

    KD0CAC Ham Member QRZ Page


    It looks like I need to download each frequency separately ?
    Or is there a all repeaters option ?
    My internet access is WiFi at coffee shops .
  3. K8ERV

    K8ERV QRZ Member QRZ Page

    Looks like there is a big fee to download.

    TOM K8ERV Montrose Colo
  4. KD0CAC

    KD0CAC Ham Member QRZ Page

    I saw $2 temp access , after seeing your post , looked a little deeper , saw $5.99 per band , or $14.99 for all .
    Did you see something with a higher fee , of just joking ?
  5. AB9IF

    AB9IF Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yes you can get a months trial membership for $2.00 to see if you like the service or not. We offer the frequencies in individual packages ($5.99) because most people only use one or two bands at the most and do not want to be downloading information not needed. so to streamline the info we broke it apart. You can get all packages for the $14.99 a year and only download what you need as well, and always be assured the rest of the info is there is you need it.

    I feel the price is fair. $5.99 is less than the ARRL handbook and ours is always up to date. and always downloadable. The Information is not made into the directory until you request it and as soon as you click the button it takes the latest info and there ya go. This is a a year long subscription.

    So no there are no higher fees unless he was referring to the $2.00, $5.99 or $14.99, all of which are fair for the service rendered and less than otherwise. All fees go to support the website and software used. So all support is appreciated.

    On a side note. If anyone cannot afford to help support the site by having a membership and needs a Repeater directory email me i will send you one. Membership is not required to use the website and all information is available free of charge. Just use the links in the main menu to look up your Band, and State. Thanks Jim
  6. KD8DEY

    KD8DEY Ham Member QRZ Page


    Too bad it's not offered in a CSV file format. That would make it importable in a lot of programming software and save a lot of typing.
    just a thought......................:D
  7. AB9IF

    AB9IF Ham Member QRZ Page

    It is offered in CSV file format, see the photo below,,, you can print, download CSV, or download PDF


    Plus read testimonial on front page incuded below

    "WOW! I just programmed my Yaesu FT 8900 Mobile, Yaesu FT-60 HT and Yaesu FT-897D With 200 to 300 channels each for the entire state of Ky in 10 minutes! This is so easy a CAVEMAN can do it! Fantastic Site and Service! I dont see why anyone would ever need to buy a repeater guide again! 73! Ernie Pridemore / KC4IVG"
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2009
  8. K8ERV

    K8ERV QRZ Member QRZ Page

    I was not implying the fee is excessive, but it was not mentioned in the original message.

    TOM K8ERV Montrose Colo
  9. KD8DEY

    KD8DEY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Kewel :D lots of repeaters listed for Ohio. Would be great if they could break it down to the 5 districts.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2009
  10. AB9IF

    AB9IF Ham Member QRZ Page

    Counties and districts is something i have been toying with. and it really would not be hard to do. If i export the Database and open it in Excel and Cross reference the Latitude and Longitude with geocoding software we use, we should be able to create another field for County/District. In addition I have been wanting to do this to implement a County Mapping Repeater Map, so the same information would allow us to Setup County Maps showing all in that county/district with approximate lat/lon

    So keep checking back, I have a big list of things i am working on and have this on that list. Thanks for the interest. Jim

    Edit* Thought i would add, that We are coming out with a new Repeater Mapping utility letting you Set you start point and End point and select waypoints, Map will then Generate directions for your from point to point and will show you the repeaters along the way. around each point and waypoint. Good for vacationer. That is on its way as well.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2009
  11. N0FJP

    N0FJP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Just an idea..

    Would there be a way to sort by your grid and the mileage you would like to cover.?
    Lets say something like EN34jc and 150 mile Rad.
    That way if you live close to the border you only do 1 list but it me have Iowa, Minn and Wisc. repeaters.
  12. AB9IF

    AB9IF Ham Member QRZ Page

    Interest Concept as far as the Repeater Directories go, We will see what we can do with that. However yes you can do that with another part of the website... I just went to the Repeater Map and typed in your lattitude and longitude (44.098862 , -93.215564 ) And selected 75 miles (if i need to add 150 miles i will if requested) and selected 144_148 hit enter and it spit out this map as well as a list of repeaters. to long to list here but here are a few of them

    ID State City Output Input Call Sign Notes CTCSS Sponsor
    2004 IA Forest City 147.27 + WB0URC oe - WinnebagoH
    2023 IA Mason City 146.76 - KB0JBF elWXx 103.5 103.5 NIARC
    2024 IA Mason City 147.315 + KB0JBF elWXx 103.5/203.5 103.5 NIARC
    3334 MN Austin 145.47 - W0AZR - 100 AUSTINRC
    3335 MN Austin 145.47 - W0AZR o 100.0 100 AUSTINRC
    3336 MN Austin 146.73 - W0AZR oaez 100.0 100 AARC
    3337 MN Austin 146.73 - W0AZR - 100 AARC
    3354 MN Blue Earth 147 + K0USR ol - BLUERTHCD
    3537 MN Owatonna 145.49 - KA0KEL oe - OWASTELAC
    3538 MN Owatonna 145.49 - KA0KEL - - OWASTELAC
    3539 MN Owatonna 147.105 + WB0VAJ oael 100.0 100 WB0VAK
    3540 MN Owatonna 147.105 + WB0VAJ - 100 WB0VAK
    3557 MN Red Wing 147.3 + KC0LXM o - HIWATVATC
    3558 MN Red Wing 147.3 + KC0LXM - - HIWATVATC
    3563 MN Rochester 146.625 - W0MXW o - ROCHARC
    3564 MN Rochester 146.625 - W0MXW - - ROCHARC
    3565 MN Rochester 146.82 - W0MXW oae - ROCHARC
    3566 MN Rochester 146.82 - W0MXW - - ROCHARC
    3567 MN Rochester 147.255 + W0EAS oesWX 100.0 100 OEOC
    3568 MN Rochester 147.255 + W0EAS - 100 OEOC
    3579 MN Saint Paul 145.17 - N0GOI o - MAGIC
    3580 MN Saint Paul 145.17 - N0GOI - - MAGIC
    3581 MN Saint Paul 145.31 - K0AGF oa - STPAULRC
    3582 MN Saint Paul 145.31 - K0AGF - - STPAULRC
    3583 MN Saint Paul 147.18 + N0JAL - 114.8 N0JAL
    3584 MN Saint Paul 145.23 - W0DCA or 77.0 77 DCEC
    3585 MN Saint Peter 147.135 + WQ0A - 100 SCAN
    3586 MN Saint Peter 147.135 + WQ0A o 100.0 100 SCAN
    3596 MN Spring Valley 147.015 + N0ZOD oe 110.9 110.9 SPGVLYEMS
    3597 MN Spring Valley 147.015 + N0ZOD - 110.9 SPGVLYEMS
    3598 MN Stillwater 147.06 + W0JH - 114.8 SARA
    3599 MN Stillwater 147.06 + W0JH o 114.8 114.8 SARA
    3616 MN Waseca 146.715 - KB0UJL oeWX - WCEM
    3617 MN Waseca 146.715 - KB0UJL - - WCEM
    3618 MN Waseca 146.94 - WA0CJU - - VARS
    3619 MN Waseca 146.94 - WA0CJU oeWX - VARS
    7207 WI Beldenville 147.225 + N0NIC oae 110.9 110.9 B.A.T.S.
    7245 WI Hudson 145.13 - K9ZMA oers 110.9 110.9 SCC RACES
    7289 WI New Richmond 145.27 - N9LIE olx 110.9 110.9 N9LIE
    7295 WI Pepin 145.35 - KB9S oe - WAB ARS
    7302 WI Roberts 147.33 + N9KMY eWX 110.9 110.9 SCVRA

    As you can see the list is long and does include all the states. here is a picture of the map. So yes with a little work we could work with grids and have it working. if there was a demand for it. thanks for your interest and i hope this helps some. Jim

  13. KG4RUL

    KG4RUL Ham Member QRZ Page

    "These directories are generated from the database the second you click. So it is always up to date with the latest information."

    UNFORTUNATELY, as with all repeater directories, this one has errors. There are three, 2 Meter repeaters for Moncks Corner, SC, vs the one that is listed. And, the notes for the listed one are incorrect.

    So, I attempt to update the database. I sign up for the Free Membership, go to the member log-in page, enter my info and get this error:

    WARNING: array_filter() [function.array-filter]: The first argument should be an array in line 208 of file

    Not very impressive!
  14. AB9IF

    AB9IF Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am not sure what you did wrong or how the error occured, I just logged in and it gives no error to me. i then temporarily change your password so i can log in as your username and it gives me no errors, i returned your password to whatever your original was.

    What browser are you using? the site works best with IE explorer and Firefox. We have errors every now and then when someone tries to log in twice in a row without closing the previous browsers but that is to be expected with cookies.

    As for accuracy, yes the database is only accurate as the Members who keep it updated. so therefore it is accurate as it can be until someone sees an error and updates it. Therefore we stand by our accuracy statement.

    So i would try to log in again if you would like to update a record in your area. if it doesnt work email me at and i will look into it some more. or just email me the changes to the repeaters and i will make them for you. I apologize for the error you received, and will look into it, as this the first. thanks Jim

    Edit* Just wanted to clarify the error you received "WARNING: array_filter() [function.array-filter]: The first argument should be an array in line 208 of file" was not a error it was standard output for the error log telling me that you had tried to access an area not authorized for your membership level. After reading the error log and the links you clicked i was able to sort it out. This message isnt what was important , what was important was below that debug message. In red. Access to this membership area is not allowed. Please go to "Membership information page" to renew or add subscription it was a simple mistake that some people make by trying to visit a link not available to the free membership or Guest level access. According to the logs you tried to access the Repeater directory. a log in window comes up you try to log in and this message is output to the screen... So i hope this clears it up for you. Not an error, just a mistaken click to wrong area of the website. By simply clicking Member-Login and logging in and then clicking the edit repeater link you can then edit the links you want too.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2009
  15. NC8X

    NC8X Ham Member QRZ Page

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