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DigiPi v1.8 Released, Pi5 support!

Discussion in 'Videos and Podcasts' started by KM6LYW, Dec 8, 2023.

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  1. KM6LYW

    KM6LYW Ham Member QRZ Page

    DigiPi allows you to operate your amateur radio using nothing more than a Raspberry Pi and a wifi device. Things like wsjtx and js8call run like apps on your phone. All configuration is done via a web browser. DigiPi makes a great APRS TNC, digipeater or AX.25 node. This release makes a lot of changes under the hood and provides a new APRS "WebChat" interface for fast-and-easy texting over the global APRS network! DigiPi 1.8 is based on Raspberry Pi OS bookworm which includes suprpot for the new scalding-fast Raspberry Pi5. Available to patrons of KM6LYW Radio -- any donation will do, and we'll get to meet!
    KF0GVX likes this.
  2. F1HAH

    F1HAH Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Bonjour commenty fait on pour avoir cette pepite 73 f1hah

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