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Demise Of Amateur Radio

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by Guest, May 26, 2001.

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  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    K5HTF writes "This is a great web site, and I really appreciate it. I have quit coming here because I got tired of everyone writing about just what ruined ham radio, and who or what shoould be blamed.

    I have quit the hobby. For some time, I could find any number of reasons. I decided HR was going to hell in a handbasket, and nothing I could do would change it.

    Ladies and gentlemen, the hobby is in decline because of you and me.
    We are quick to blame the lowering of the requirements such as slower or no code. Especially true if you are a CW operator, and I am. We are quick to blame the ARRL. And I must say in that caae, they do deserve a great deal of criticism.

    The reason? APATHY. How many of us, and I am as guilty as anyone, have taken the time to communicate our opinions and thoughts to the people who are our representatives in the hobby If these people do not have input, and a lot of if, they do not know what the rest of us are thinking.

    How many of you wrote the FCC when they first began talking about a no code license? I did not. How many of you wrote members of the ARRL field organization? I did not. How many of you have voiced an dpinion to your representative about various restrictions now in legislation that affect amateur radio? I have not. I could go on and on, but I think you geet my point.

    I submit, I have quit a hobby that I have enjoyed for over 45 years because of the many changes that I do not agree with. If I had taken the time to enlist the support of others, perhaps we could have made a difference. APATHY works the same way in a hobby or in our federal government.

    Quit blaming the new "non code" license holders, the greedy manufacturers, the CB operators and put the blame where it belongs, on our own shoulders.

    Tnx es 73 de K5HTF"
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