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DARC Youth Image Film

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by DL4QB, Mar 4, 2024.

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  1. DL4QB

    DL4QB QRZ Lifetime Member #719 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    I would like to report here about the new image film of the German Amateur Radio Club (DARC).
    There was a call for entries in the CQDL, the club magazine of the DARC.

    Our daughter (Sophie, DF4QB) and I thought about taking part. In the movie she has the name "Anna".

    Quote from the DARC:
    "The coming year 2024 at DARC e. V. will be all about youth. As a beginner class, the newly introduced class N offers an excellent opportunity to introduce young people to amateur radio. With the launch of the training platform, the necessary teaching and learning material is available for youth work to start a training course for young people directly. "


    There were a total of 5 teasers and one main film.

    The movie is currently only available in German, but I don't want to withhold it from the QRZ readers.
    I can translate the text here. Please watch the teasers first in the appropriate order and then the main movie. Relax now and I hope you enjoy watching it.

    Teaser 1:
    "Anna likes to tinker and loves technology"
    "Will that go well...?"

    Teaser 2:
    "Sometimes technology works differently than planned"
    "Would you like to see what happens next?"

    Teaser 3:
    "Tech geniuses change their environment"
    "Would you like to see what that means?"

    Teaser 4:
    "It's often small ideas that have a big impact"
    "Would you like to see what happens next"?

    Teaser 5:
    "Anna loves technology and technology loves Anna"
    "But differently than expected"

    After so much warm-up, now the main movie:
    "We love technology talents....
    and support them in growing up"

    Have fun watching it!
    Of course you are welcome to share the links and videos. A Like is also always welcome.

    If you´d like to see more in the future, follow our Insta and TikTok channel of our club:

    73 de DL4QB (Andre) and DF4QB (Sophie)

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Mar 4, 2024
    W7STF, VU3HPF, M7XCB and 10 others like this.
  2. DL2JML

    DL2JML Ham Member QRZ Page

    I did not realise the DSOX2002A could display starship enterprise.
    DL4QB likes this.
  3. DB2AD

    DB2AD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Durchweg gelungen! Danke für Eure Arbeit...wir brauchen den Nachwuchs, dringend!
    DL4QB likes this.

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