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DALTON, GA 24 FEB 2024

Discussion in 'Hamfest Reports & Videos' started by KB4U, Feb 25, 2024.

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  1. KB4U

    KB4U Ham Member QRZ Page

    Fresh cool air outside, with sellers' items on tailgates and tables on both sides of the paved circular road known as the boneyard. Indoor tables in 2 buildings, including LIONS CLUB selling coffee and sandwiches, with sellers and radio club representation. After-hamfest attendance at Yellowstone Buffet and Steakhouse across Legion Drive from the hamfest. As always, the hamfest experience depends on attitudes: we take from it that which we put into it. Thanks to the Dalton Amateur Radio Club for another safe and enjoyable Dalton Hamfest.
  2. KB4U

    KB4U Ham Member QRZ Page

    20240225_084547.jpg 20240224_124524.jpg
    WD5GWY likes this.

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