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Cortland Hamfest and Technology Fair June 8 Cortland, NY CTY Fairgrounds

Discussion in 'Hamfest and Convention Calendar' started by KB2LUV, May 17, 2024.

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  1. KB2LUV

    KB2LUV Ham Member QRZ Page

    The 42nd annual Cortland Hamfest and Technology Fair will take place on Saturday June 8th at the Cortland County Fairgrounds, 4301 Fairgrounds Dr. in Cortland.

    Admission: $6.00 per person, under 12 free. Outdoor Flea market is free with admission. There are 25 indoor flea market spaces available for $10.00 per 10' length, first come first served.

    VE tests will be available beginning at 9 AM.

    Breakfast provided by the Cortland County 4-H

    Travel Directions: I-81 to exit 12; turn left on to Route 281 South. Turn left again on to Fisher Ave, (8/10 mile) then right on to Fairgrounds Drive.
    From Ithaca: Route 13 North to Route 281 North. Turn right onto Fisher Ave, then right on to Fairgrounds Drive.

    For your GPS: 4301 Fairgrounds Dr. Cortland, NY 13045

    We hope to see you there!
    W2TXB likes this.
  2. K2HAT

    K2HAT Premium Subscriber Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper QRZ Page

    Tomorrow, but I will not be there. Live in FL now!!

    PAULRON QRZ Member

    is that in ny? too late anyway.
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