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Coffee and Ham Radios

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KM9G, Jun 13, 2021.

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  1. K0UO

    K0UO Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    What a bunch of us do is get On the AIR every morning (40 meters) drink our coffee and talk, it's called a QSO
    Rag chewing, is one of the main reasons I have stayed in ham radio. An occasional DX station will pop in also.

    73 from,
    The K0UO " Rhombic Antenna Farm" 2 miles of wire in the Air & On the daily
    W8IXI and WN1MB like this.
  2. N6SPP

    N6SPP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm with you. 73
    K0UO likes this.

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