I did not put a balun at the feedpoint of my 20 m inverted V dipole antenna as I did not have the raw materials to make one. So I bought a 1:1 Current Balun from another ham. Before installing it for my 20 m antenna, out of curiosity, I thought of having a closer look at it. It is rated for 1000 W, though my radio is only 100 W. A lower powered option was not available. Frequency range is written as 500 kHz to 55 MHz. So I presume that I can use it for a 50 MHz or 6 m dipole at a later date if needed. I have bought a four band EFHW also along with it. If that works out well, I will not need the current 20 m dipole and I could repurpose this balun for 6 m experiments in future. On the lower side you can see the SO 239 connector for attaching the coaxial cable. Two connectors are seen on the upper side for attaching two wires of the dipole antenna. A nice stainless steel hook is there for attaching the balun to a non-conducting mast for an inverted V antenna.
Thank you Chris for stopping by and liking my post. Great to see that you have been really on the air! 73
I can't watch your videos. Youtube requests that I sign in to watch them and I don't have an account. Maybe there is a setting on your side to change that.
Thank you for the note. Not sure about the setting which has to be changed. I tried this link with Microsoft Edge without signing in and it worked here: Please inform whether this link works.
Yes, the second video works without login and now the first one does as well. If you did not change anything in the settings of your Youtube account, probably it simply means that youtube is sometimes blocking people like me to try and motivate them to sign up. I eventually expect them to simply block people who do not have an account.