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Cincinnati Hamfest

Discussion in 'Hamfest Reports & Videos' started by K8DV, Aug 21, 2023.

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  1. K8DV

    K8DV Ham Member QRZ Page

    This year the Cincinnati Hamfest was once again held at the Clermont County Fairgrounds in the Cincinnati bedroom community of Owensville. I got there early before day light to get a good spot in the boneyard to setup my tables and be ready for the crowd. The boneyard had good participation again this year and seemed like a lot of folks were buying, I know that myself and the guy next to me both came home with a lot less than we showed up with. The weather was OK, overcast in the morning and the weatherman was calling for rain which hit about 11:30, I think the crowd although good would have been better if the forecast would have been for sunny skies. The indoor was packed, did not notice any empty tables. Although I did not win a prize there appeared to have lots of stuff to give away. This is the last remaining hamfest in the greater Cincinnati area and if you get a chance come out and support it in 2024. 73

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