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Boats on the Air Adventure!

Discussion in 'Videos and Podcasts' started by KY4NN, Jan 23, 2023.

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  1. KY4NN

    KY4NN Ham Member QRZ Page

    I built a 15m vertical antenna that can be used on a kayak, then tested it out on a lake!

    I worked two parks, Gardner Lake State Park (K-1668) and Minnie Island State Park (K-1698). I did this by paddling my kayak out to within a 100 ft of the island to count it for the POTA, then worked stations from the kayak. I took a break and beached the boat on the kayak, which is the photo you see in the thumbnail. After working 60 unique stations I made my way back to shore and packed it up just before sunset.

    KE7DRT, N8JJM, AE8EM and 2 others like this.
  2. KL7KN

    KL7KN Ham Member QRZ Page

    1) Thank you for posting a descriptive paragraph, giving me a reason to watch the video.
    2) The start (up to the 1st 4 min) very well done. To the point and descriptive.
    4) You lost me at the start of a continuous selfie. Stopped watching there.

    Note : I'll always look at videos from K4SWL as you rarely - if ever - see him in the video. Just the gear and log.

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