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Battle of Cowpens Special Event - K4C - 01/16-01/18, 2024

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W4OVT, Dec 30, 2023.

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  1. W4OVT

    W4OVT QRZ Lifetime Member #738 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    You are cordially invited to participate in the 2024 K4C Battle of Cowpens Three Day Event, January 15-18th, honoring the Patriot Militia and Continental Army's defeat of the British Army on January 17th, 1781.

    The Battle took place at a Loyalist's cattle ranch called the "Cow Pens" a little over 3 months following the Battle of Kings Mountain which the leader of the British forces in the Colonies, Sir Henry Clinton, quipped "Kings Mountain was the first link in a chain of evils that led to the total loss of America."

    The Battle of Cowpens would serve as the second link of defeat that ultimately led to British surrender at Yorktown, VA just (9) nine months later.

    While the Militia Victory of Kings Mountain emboldened the Patriot cause, the Victory at Cowpens provided a needed morale boost to the smallpox ravaged, dysentery depleted, frostbitten remnants of George Washington's Continental Army.

    Washington dispatched Commander Daniel Morgan who leveraged local Patriot Militia to lure the British into a trap using a tactic still taught at Westpoint termed the "Double Envelope Strategy."

    One of the Patriot Militia Captains was Issac Shelby who fought bravely with John Sevier at Kings Mountain.

    Many Hams recognize the surname Shelby related to the "Grandaddy of Them All" - the Shelby, NC Hamfest named in his honor.

    Please visit the K4C QRZ page for more information to include frequency/mode details below the "ON-AIR" icon (when activated).

    Check-ins will be worked both on-air and using Netlogger. Please ONLY sign into Netlogger if the Net Control station is well heard.

    • "Let each one of you be your own officer, and do the very best you can, taking every care you can of yourselves, and availing yourselves of every advantage that chance may throw in your way..." - Patriot Militia Captain Issac Shelby
    • “Just hold up your heads, boys, three fires and you are free…when you return to your homes, how the old folks will bless you, and the girls will kiss you, for your gallant conduct...” General Daniel Morgan's request to the Patriot Militia who had single-handily won a decisive Victory three months prior at the Battle of Kings Mountain.
    • "Our success was complete, our loss was inconsiderable, not having more than twelve killed and sixty wounded…we gave them (the British) a devil of a whipping..." General Daniel Morgan to General Nathaniel Greene
    • “The disaster of the 17th of January cannot be imputed to any defect in my conduct, as the detachment was certainly superior to the force against which it was sent…” British Commander Lord Charles Cornwallis
    • "The fire on both sides produced much slaughter...” Lt. Col Banastre Tarleton writing of the well executed Double Envelope Strategy
    • “It is impossible to foresee all the consequences that this unexpected and extraordinary event may produce...” Lord Cornwallis
    K4C QSL Card
    QSL Cards for this event will be offered (shown above) at no cost. Please include a self addressed and stamped return envelope.

    Donations are welcome to cover the costs of the high quality, premium cards from our partner QSL Works

    There are some exciting plans that could make your K4C Check-in of value towards your 2024 K4x "Clean Sweep"- see the K4C QRZ page for a complete list of K4x planned events.

    While top of mind, suggest entering a calendar reminder now.

    Each activation will be detailed under the "On-Air" flashing sign on the K4C QRZ page and spotted on DX Summit.

    Call for Volunteers
    Now, for an important question: "Do you think what we are doing is important?"

    Want to help? Feel the call to make calls?

    Great, let's chat about YOUR Volunteering as a Net Control Station - no prior NCS experience required nor do you need to be a Rev War Historian.

    We seek General Class Amateurs who exhibit enthusiasm, willingness to learn, ability to use QRZ Logbook and adherence to FCC Part 97 Rules.

    Communicate your interest by emailing:

    On behalf of the TEN-TEC Legacy Nets, and Volunteers, we hope to turn YOUR ember of the American Spirit into a Patriotic flame.



    Marc -

    KA2PTE, K6RWM, M6ECG and 34 others like this.
  2. K4BFR

    K4BFR Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am looking forward to this. A bit of History and conversations with other operators.
    K6RWM and W4LJK like this.
  3. W9PT

    W9PT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Good work, Mark!
    K6RWM and W4LJK like this.
  4. WA4RDZ

    WA4RDZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    WB4JEE and N0VA like this.
  5. KE4GTQ

    KE4GTQ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I am looking forward to being part of this Special Event. KE4GTQ.
    HB9EPC likes this.
  6. WB4JEE

    WB4JEE XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'll try to be there every day. Sounds great.
    HB9EPC and W4LJK like this.
  7. KC8EHR

    KC8EHR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page


    You can count me in. I am more than excited to participate in ALL of the events.

    I love our Country's rich history, and the Patriotism of those who fought to make this Country free !

    I think these types of events are not only import for the moral of Americans, but also for the education that is fed to us. We need more of this type of stuff !!

    Thank you, Marc, for bringing this to the light for everyone to see.

    73, and God bless.

    Clint - KC8EHR
    KX4BOB likes this.
  8. KA9FTM

    KA9FTM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yea..I'am ready for another history lesson....
  9. W4LJK

    W4LJK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks Marc. Would love to take part.
  10. KD9TED

    KD9TED Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sounds like fun. I wish I could participate.
  11. AC1OC

    AC1OC QRZ Lifetime Member #568 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    what a beautiful card Marc -be glad to help if you need it.

    HB9EPC likes this.
  12. KY4OA

    KY4OA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Probably the most informative special event station I’ve heard. Found myself listening for quite awhile when I found it last year. I even read more about it. So many things had to fall into place in order for us to enjoy the freedom we cherish so much today.
    K6RWM and HB9EPC like this.
  13. KD9TED

    KD9TED Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm just wondering what frequencies this is going to operate on? I didn't see it in the invitation, I will not be able to be a NCS as I am only a technician class. But I would love to listen.
    HB9EPC likes this.
  14. WD9HDQ

    WD9HDQ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Nice card, loojking forward to the event.
    HB9EPC likes this.
  15. KB1LL

    KB1LL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Congratulations! I look forward to participating!
    Bill, N0WP
    HB9EPC likes this.

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