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Band of Brothers Net

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by K9JFM, Sep 27, 2023.

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  1. KD3Y

    KD3Y Ham Member QRZ Page


    3rd Armored Division (SPEARHEAD!)
    Ayers Kasserne, FRG '88 - '91

    First Cav (Black Knights)
    Fort hood, TX '91 - '92
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  2. KD4TWP

    KD4TWP Ham Member QRZ Page

    Simple, the net isnt for passing traffic. there is plenty of them for that and really there is normally no traffic to pass. unless there is a major storm/disaster where there is no phone service. theres nothing wrong what so ever having people (hams) coming together for fun and information. always somebody these days that gets butt hurt over stupid immature stuff and its always immature ignorant stuff. theres 10s of thousands of frequency's oh the HF band. If you happen to be on a frequency that a net is going to be on when its time for the net they "legally" cant kick you off if you and another ham are carrying on a conversation.. All that said Amateur radio is becoming a trash heap full of idiots just like our society..It is up to hams to not let it get that way..
  3. KD9KSO

    KD9KSO Ham Member QRZ Page

    I've listened in from time to time on this net.
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