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Bad Treatment of New Hams in the U.K.

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by m3sdx, Oct 13, 2002.

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  1. M3TMC

    M3TMC Banned QRZ Page

    I have listened to JIm M3 SDX and i must admit his 10w sounds more like 400w. Sorry to say this but if your not a 10w M3 then you shouldnt have the licence in the first place. Rules are Rules and if you dont stick to them then you have no room for complaint. As for the "Lookups" on if i had nothing else to do then i could "click me up" a couple a gran score!!

    Put it to rest Jim and stop showing us all up Mate!!
  2. N8MVY

    N8MVY QRZ Member

    Alot of Hams, came from CB.  Though we don't want to admit it.  And calling someone a CB op, is like swearing.  We have problems like what you had here also.  On 75 there's ops, that think they need 5 kw to talk accross the street.  If you get out there with 150 watts.  They call u a mud duck. ( A CB TERM).  I've been a ham on and off for 30 years. I'am 45.  The first think that happened to me.  When I was a novice.  I had key clicks.  There was another Ham right down the street, but instead of helping me, he turns me in to the FCC.  Therefore I received a pink ticket.  Informing me of the problem.  If he was a good ham radio op, he would have knocked at my door and helped me.  Than no code came along.  You should have heard all the crying than.  I have met people with no code Techs.  That know more about electronics and are better ops than some Extras.  Basicly, there are good and Bad people.  Therefore there are good and bad Hams.  Don't let these few people, control you.  Just don't talk to them.  I'am sure you can fine some good people out there.  I sent u a email.  About other thinks to try.  Like Echo link and Eqso.  Try these.  You can talk to the world with other Hams using your PC.  And repeaters and links all over the world.  Keep your chin up. THERE ARE ALOT OF GOOD HAMS, AS YOU CAN SEE BY THE RESPONSE YOU GOT
    73 AL N8MVY  [​IMG]
  3. M3JCA

    M3JCA Ham Member QRZ Page

    [​IMG] hi james m3sdx dont you dare give up your licence as an m3 myself i have tried and failed the rae twice and having been a swl for 30 years was very thankfull that the powers that be have realised that there needs to be a new start level in this great hobby of ours.
    i too have come across these high and mighty stations on the bands and i ignore them.....they are sad......lonely .......and brain dead..... [​IMG] [​IMG]
    so far with my 10 watts i have worked the netherlands.sweden...germany....ireland....virginia.. many g and m stations in the uk....dont give up get your licence back and come and talk to us on the barametric net 3.775
    7am or 7pm local time you will be made most welcome
    cheers and beers colin m3 jca
  4. K4WDE

    K4WDE Ham Member QRZ Page

    James;  I won't call you thin skinned or sensitive, but perhaps that is a bit of the problem.  We yanks think we have a lot of rights on this side of the pond, perhaps more than you Brits.  Contrary to what many people believe in the USA, we don't have the right to not be offended.  We can't use the law over here to shut someone up just because we don't like what they say.  We still, just barely, have freedom of speech.  We also have the right to the pursuit of happiness.  With rights come responsibilities.   In this case we are responsible for our own happiness, and so are you.  The way you react to the disparaging remarks sets the stage for your enjoyment of the hobby.  Just because someone makes fun of your license class doesn't mean they hate you.  It is usually an expression of fear in the face of the unknown.  I know, I've felt the same fear over here with our changing license class structure.  But I've found, so far, most of the changes have had little destructive effects, and many constructive effects.  So, if you're a good wordsmith, just help remove some of the fears by talking with these people.  Let them know you want to fit in but you also want to be an individual.  The ones who won't listen, you ignore, the ones who will........... are your friends.  James, right now, today, take the steps to get your license back.  Life's too short not to enjoy what you love.

    73 de K4WDE
  5. PA3FAT

    PA3FAT Ham Member QRZ Page

    [​IMG] James,

    Ham radio is experiencing a lot of problems in PA. I just read about the M3 licensing approach in our magazine.
    Activities on the bands are reducing (at least 2m) and all wonder why young people are no longer interested in our super hobby.
    I am about 20 years a radio amateur. No electrical eduction to start with i manage in a similiar way you did (started with PD0LPK with 6 channels on 2 meter, D license), worked myself up to C license, just over the edge&#33[​IMG] and after some years got the B and A license on the same day. DaDiDa.
    Fortunatly for me i find old hams around me that helped me build my own ATV station (i still don't understand how it really works &#33[​IMG]. This contact still remains although hobby for them is less important. But still at times we all have the urge to get back on the air and talk.

    I hear a lot of M3 ( same?) on the HF bands. You all get to the DX first.
    Come back and help me out on the bands ! We need new spirits badly!

    73 de PA3FAT

    Get back soon
  6. G0GDU

    G0GDU Ham Member QRZ Page


    Please let me respond to your post which gives the impression that all Class A licencees are not in favour of the new foundation licence (M3) holders.

    I cannot and will not defend anyone who is small minded enough to abuse others on-air. Your post seems to suggest that this practice is widespread and points the finger at all full class A licencees.

    Unfortunately there is what I believe a minority of Radio Amateurs, as in all walsks of life, who do not now how to live in harmony with others and probably feel that somehow they are being threatened by this new kid on teh block. Give in and they have won, ignore them and show them that you are equal if not better than they are. Lets face it with a maximum of 10W you have to be better to achieve the same as they do with their 400W (?) maximum.

    What these older Full Class A's who you say abuse M3's need to remember is they they too were once beginners and perhaps they should think back to the time when they first ventured onto the bands.

    I have been a Full Class A licence holder since 1983 and a full Class B licence holder before that. I for one, and there are many like me, am always happy to talk to any ham irrespective of the type of call they hold.

    I am one of many Class A licence holders who serve as Foundation and Novice licence instructors so appreciate what work is involved in obtaining your licence.

    The requirements for your M3 call may be simpler that those for required to obtain a Full Class A licence but non-the-less you have earned the right to be on the HF bands, albeit with reduced priviledges.

    What everyone should consider is that you did not invent the rules under which you obtained your M3 call. Be proud of what you have achieved so far, get your licence reinstated and press on to achieve your intermediate and full calls. If Amateur Radio is to survive we need the new blood of people such as yourself not the petty minded attitudes of the minority. They are just like those individuals who insist on putting out a strong carrier when you happen to be in QSO on what they regard as their frequency.

    You do not indicate how old you are and what form this abuse takes. Whilst you have posted this complaint on, have you taken this issue in the UK with the RSGB? It could be worthwhile emailing them so that your complaint can be published in RadCom? You may be surprised by the response.

    Feel free to email me if you wish (look my call up in

    John (G0GDU)
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I have spoken to james over the last week and he is going to continue with amateur radio, however, he is going to work at bypassing the M3 and work his way up to class A licence status. - I will help him with the CW as previously stated, and he will pass! - he has an insatiable appitite for success.
    Jim does sound like he is using a lot of power on air, but that is down to a cracking location and antenna!
    I know him well, I also know what he uses.
    Anyway, I think enough is enough on this subject now. - He is touched by the overwleming response you have all given him and looks forward to working you all on the air soon. - One thing i have found interesting from all of this thread is that there is a lot of "passion" left in Amateur radio worldwide and that is fantastic news for our fantastic hobby.

    Chris Parnell (G0FKQ)
  8. G4ZWI

    G4ZWI Guest

    Hiya James.. Sorry you got a bad time from some class A(?) licencees here, there are morons and Luddites here as well. I Think you should try to ignore the ones who cant see past the end of their noses, and get on the bands, you WILL make loads of friends!!!!!
    Some people just wont let the world move on, but Ham radio is evolving all the time. Please ignore the old fossils, they may be wrong, (or we would all drive at 4 mph, with a guy waving a red flag in front of the car!!!&#33[​IMG]
    If you cant face going back on the air, then I would like to apologise for the 99.9999 % of English hams, who love to see a bit more activity, and fresh blood in the hobby. 73 + 72 Fred G4ZWI (G-QRP 10981) [​IMG]
  9. KF4CUP

    KF4CUP Ham Member QRZ Page

    de Don/KF4CUP in the Miami, Fl. U.S.A. area

    it is all pretty sad........guys that have been around and are old
    enough to know better, exhibiting behaviour of the type described

    donnot give in to that type of mentality and hang in there

    best of 73
  10. WA9SVD

    WA9SVD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Now if somebody could just explain the UK call system for us ex-colonists...
    I know the M3 calls are limited to 10 W, and are the "Foundation" licensees, but the RSGB web site doesn't mention the "G" calls at all; and the M0, etc. calls are also a mystery...
    Just a puzzled American... 73
    Larry WA9SVD
  11. M3TMC

    M3TMC Banned QRZ Page

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (chris(G0FKQ) @ Oct. 23 2002,15:43)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I have spoken to james over the last week and he is going to continue with amateur radio, however, he is going to work at bypassing the M3 and work his way up to class A licence status. - I will help him with the CW as previously stated, and he will pass! - he has an insatiable appitite for success.
    Jim does sound like he is using a lot of power on air, but that is down to a cracking location and antenna!
    I know him well, I also know what he uses.(G0FKQ)[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
    As from January you will have to go through the lot ie: Foundation,Novice (Inter) then RAE. City and Guilds are dropping the lot and it is out for tender.So i am told. How it is to turn out nobody knows! I am lucky enough to have got in for the December Exam.

    As for the 10w.........well we all know how it works and to hammer through constantly to States ect with 10w and dipole, is hard to swallow. The prop isnt at its best for a start. My location is also ideal and i do get great contacts with my 10w. I dont use a dipole though ( Might as well use a full G5 RV in the "good" location) I use the Cushcraft A3s at 20m high on my tower. Enough forward gain to make 10w sound like 100w.
    Is it just some locals you have problems with?
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    First time I post something here, and I just wanted to tell you that this hobby is to good to let go, just because a very insignificant amount of ignorants "think" they have the "right" to bash you. Hey, I've been a ham since I was 11 years old (24 years ago) and I have had up's and downs, and seen many things as well... Those old timers that think they are better than you... Those that ask you your CW skills or if you were licensed with the Fedral Communications Commission or if it was at a VEC session. If you were in CB, etc. etc. etc. You are studying code and getting ready to upgrade... Many of those old hams are still in the tube age... Go on my friend don't give them the satisfaction of getting one good ham off the air. Use your "M3" prefix with pride!!!Like a fellow ham wrote: "in 20 years you'll be around, what about them"... Take care and God Bless...

    Nomar - NP4H (ex AA1NV)
  13. m3sdx

    m3sdx QRZ Member

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (M3TMC @ Oct. 22 2002,15:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I have listened to JIm M3 SDX and i must admit his 10w sounds more like 400w. Sorry to say this but if your not a 10w M3 then you shouldnt have the licence in the first place. Rules are Rules and if you dont stick to them then you have no room for complaint. As for the "Lookups" on if i had nothing else to do then i could "click me up" a couple a gran score!!

    Put it to rest Jim and stop showing us all up Mate!![/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
    everyones gripeing about pwr here when the issue was down to abuse mostly on 40m for being new to the hobbie and not wanted on the bands,if my 10 watts sounds like 400 watts to you then god help you when i get my class A...1000 watts OOPS i forgot they only run 400 watts over here full legal limit :)))....sorry if i have showed you up for all the abuse i and other M3,s have taken mostly on 40m but i suppose when all said and done thats life...i just want to get on with the hobbie now ...and close this subject..i do opologize to ian and john 30 miles away for the e mails i sent but i was griped at the time because i was only 5/3 to the other station and i felt you were both haveing a dig at me about my 10 watt output pwr...sorry again chaps and hope to work you soon.

    regards james.

    regards james.
  14. GM4EIW

    GM4EIW Ham Member QRZ Page

    you sure rattled a few cages out there but you cannot give so easy, get your licence back and show them who is right. never to be regretted. 73'S John
  15. M3TMC

    M3TMC Banned QRZ Page

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (m3sdx @ Oct. 26 2002,07:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">If my 10 watts sounds like 400 watts to you then god help you when i get my class A...1000 watts OOPS i forgot they only run 400 watts over here full legal limit[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
    From this part of your post it looks like you have no regard for the legal power limit anyway. Even if you get your A class its looking like you are going to flout the Law. Is this the problem the "Locals" have with you on 40m? Maybe not.

    I enjoy QRP and am planning on building the K2.

    No you didnt show me up.more like yourself!
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