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Award (WRTC, WWA) chasing with HamAward - Quick Video

Discussion in 'Videos and Podcasts' started by G1ZHD, Dec 19, 2024.

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  1. G1ZHD

    G1ZHD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Due to the World Wide Radio 2025 event planned for January, and with other similar events becoming more popular, I decided to create a (very amateur) short presentation on the results of the last WRTC in 2023 and the WWA in 2024, and how the HamAward scoring and monitoring makes it so exciting. The purpose is to try and get more GB stations to take part, but anyone interested chasing Awards, or who have never taken part in the WWA and WRTC may learn from this presentation. Apologies for the low sound. I do intent to add video demonstrations, but need to wait for busy Award days to do so. 73 Adam G1ZHD.


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