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ARRL speaks on Regulation by Bandwidth

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, Feb 25, 2006.

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  1. WA3KYY

    WA3KYY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Where are they published and how would the average amateur know where to look for them? More importantly, why should the average amateur even need to bother?

    Outside of the automatically controlled data station subbands, why should anyone need to know about the PMBO frequencies and do anything other than listen and then ask if a frequency is in use before attempting to establish communications with another station?

    Are you claiming the PMBO frequencies are constantly in use and therefore off limits to other users?

    Mike WA3KYY
  2. AB0WR

    AB0WR Ham Member QRZ Page

    That is exactly what Winlink would like everyone to believe. Then it becomes the fault of the *other* guy when a Winlink PMBO interferes with an ongoing conversation. The *other* guy should know better than to operate on a Winlink frequency.

    tim ab0wr
  3. KH6TY

    KH6TY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Mike, they are published by ZS5S ( )

    Here is an older display of all the Pactor 2 frequencies you must avoid on 20m if you do not want your QSO disrupted constantly by Winlink email robots. You can update it from the ZS5S bulletins, also add Pactor 3 stations in the 97.221 subbands, and include all other bands too.


    These used to be posted on the website with each PMBO's page, which made it easier to locate, but a short time ago that was discontinued.

    The big problem is that the frequencies are scattered over a wide portion of a band and not just in one contiguous place. It is virtually impossible to stay aware of what frequencies to stay off of. It is much more practical to just say stay out of the 97.221 subbands, but Winlink refuses to stay there and they have ARRL on their side because ARRL NTS and Emcomm now uses Winlink 2000 for their own traffic handling. The rest of the hams no longer have ARRL on their side. [​IMG]

    Instead of being scattered over a band, if they all were concentrated within 10 kHz on each band, such as the subbands for unattended operations, others would be able to more easily avoid them. By their own admission, 10 kHz is all they really need to handle all Winlink, ARRL, and Emcomm traffic.
  4. WA3KYY

    WA3KYY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Not exactly widely known to the world-wide amateur community is it?

    And that still does not answer the question, other than for Winlink PMBO users, why should anyone even need to know what the PMBO frequencies are?

    To answer my own question there is no reason for amateurs other than Winlink users to know about the PMBO frequencies. It should not even be a concern. PMBO control operators have to follow the same rules on interference as the live station control operators. There is no provision in the rules to relieve control operators of automatically responding stations of that responsibility.

    The only sensible thing as you and others have repeatedly pointed out is to locate all PMBO type operations in a contiguous segment of 10-15KHz in size on each band.

    Whether the segment designated for such operations needs to be coded in FCC rules or can be handled via a bandplanning process is another topic for discussion.

    Mike WA3KYY
  5. KH6TY

    KH6TY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Mike, there already is an IARU Region 1 bandplan, restricting "digimode" operations, which Winlink and ARRL specifically  chose to ignore when Winlink drafted the bandwidth petition for the ARRL and the Board of Directors approved doing that, with the exception of three directors.

    It is clear that ARRL, now in bed with Winlink, is now against the rest of the ham radio world (over 99%) not for it. [​IMG]
  6. AD4MG

    AD4MG Banned QRZ Page

    Fascinating that when the going gets tough, the Winlink shrills just go!

    These are the tough questions that demand answers, but there's apparently nobody here to ask. Nobody that will provide an answer, anyway. More bad P.R. for the "digital elite". [​IMG]
  7. PE1RDW

    PE1RDW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Could be that they where to bussy in the mars topic defending the legalety of their system in region 1.
    I have offerd them ways to fix problems I encountered in the past just to be ignored or be told to go away.
  8. AB0WR

    AB0WR Ham Member QRZ Page

    That is an attitude which *will* get them in trouble sooner or later. We have no NGO's here using Winlink paclink or telpac nodes but I suspect that sooner or later someone is going to record non-emergency day-to-day type traffic traveling over one of those nodes. That would mean traffic with a pecuniary interest for that NGO would be traveling over ham radio. Since Winlink has no way to police that kind of situation, I suspect Riley will be forced to action by a legitimate complaint with proof of such activity.

    Guess we'll see.

    tim ab0wr
  9. N6KZB

    N6KZB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Wonder how "snofroe" is doing these days.....

    Just curious.
  10. PE1RDW

    PE1RDW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Just fine, btw it is Magister Snofroe for you Mike.
    I have no need to hide what my religion is, I'm curious why you would think it has anything to do with this?
    Looking for things to attack me personaly with?
  11. N6KZB

    N6KZB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Andre, just curious, I have some Dutch ham friends.


    You are well known.

  12. AB0WR

    AB0WR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Do you think they wouldn't attack me for being Catholic if it would advance their position?

    It is irrelevant to any position concerning ham radio.

    But it can be useful in personal attacks.

    And their supporters use the word "Interesting" in describing ones religion?

    *That* is what is interesting!

    tim ab0wr
  13. N6KZB

    N6KZB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Do you know what he claims as a religion?

    And as a side note, WE never said who "snofroe" was; HE did a post admitting to it.
    We also never said anything about religion, HE did.
    But I got to admit; he is true to his conviction.

    By the by, he has a great listing on one of his Satanic cult site pages:

    “Interests:  Satanism and hamradio”

    Now there is a combination worth supporting, hey Tim?

    Remember the old saying,  “you are judged by the company you keep”……….

    Personal attacks?  Any rate, enjoy your friends and continue to post, time to move on.

    Oh almost forgot, go ahead and have the last word, as that is very important on QRZ.COM.

  14. PE1RDW

    PE1RDW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Mike, do you even know what real satanism is?
    With your remark of "Satanic cult site" I get the feeling you don't know the first thing.
  15. AD4MG

    AD4MG Banned QRZ Page

    This post displays lots of class.

    I consider most of the hams involved with the Winlink network to be intellegent, decent people.  It's fine that we may differ in our views, as its done with respect and decency.

    You, sir, are an embarrasment to both the Winlink network and amateur radio in general.  I shudder to think good people on the west coast would have to depend on you for anything.

    I don't know how others feel, but you can hit the road as far as I'm concerned.  You contribute nothing but your own intolerant point of view.  You will find yourself quickly despised here on QRZ.  I already find you as such.

    And ... who the hell is this "We" you constantly refer to?  Most folks use the first personal singular "I" when referring to themselves.
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