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ARRL Digital Membership $9.99/6 months

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AC3DB, Jul 21, 2016.

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  1. NK2U

    NK2U XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    Yeah, well, there's a hell of a lot to bash! How about them taking away 100 KHz from Extras and giving it to Novoice, Techs and General eh? I could go on but what's the point, you either love 'em or hate 'em.

    de NK2U
  2. NK2U

    NK2U XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    They're a publishing company, that's their primary focus and profit center. Everything else is secondary.

    de NK2U
  3. KG7WBW

    KG7WBW Ham Member QRZ Page

    I don't mind paying $49/year for the ARRL membership. The benefits to me (QST magazine, ARRL lobbying for amateur radio interests) are worth the cost.
  4. KC2SST

    KC2SST Ham Member QRZ Page

    Not to disrespect my elders (probably the vast majority of people in this thread), but why do so many of you feel a senior discount should be available? Are you so entitled that you think you should be rewarded for simply existing? Why didn't you do what you are always suggesting we Millennials do and work hard? You could have gotten your life memberships decades ago and saved hundreds if not thousands of dollars.
    N9KY, K2NCC, WN2C and 2 others like this.
  5. KC9UDX

    KC9UDX Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    I'll agree with everything but the last bit. Getting life membership early is a great way to help ARRL, and a great way to prepare for your future.

    But it's not a great financial investment. Not at all. And that's the kicker. It goes to show how low ARRL membership cost is these days.
  6. NK2U

    NK2U XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    Yes, this first and foremost (#1.) They're a publishing company, that's how they earn their month and it's the primary focus.
    But, #2, where are you going to see the ads? Personally, I love the ads; it's a great means of keeping up to date with what's out there.

    de NK2U
  7. KC2SST

    KC2SST Ham Member QRZ Page

    Certainly it isn't as good as an actual investment with compounding returns, however provided I don't get hit by a bus sometime soon it will save me money. And perhaps if I get to retire, I won't have to complain on QRZ about the cost.

    What I find interesting about all the people who complain that "they" have been increasing the cost of membership remarkably fail to realize how long it was at $39 and simultaneously completely forget about inflation. Membership is currently cheaper in 'real dollars' than it was fifteen years ago...
    KC9UDX, WU2F and WN2C like this.
  8. KF5FEI

    KF5FEI Ham Member QRZ Page

    Don't forget, offering one of their slow-selling books for free if you ignore your renewal for a few months. And the birthday coupon. Stuff that costs them money, and likely helped drive up the dues.
  9. K2NCC

    K2NCC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Amen! Age-discrimination. As if ALL seniors are somehow on a "fixed" income. (Some of us wish we had a fixed income.)

    What they really mean is, "I'm old and still don't have my shit together, how about a discount for my broke-ass self?"

    $49 for membership and a magazine is cheap. And if you don't need the latest amateur radio news, or care about membership, just buy the CD a year later for half that.

    I pay about $100 a year just for a UK ham-mag "RadioUser" because it's so superior to the monthly catalog ARRL puts out, it's worth it. (and the resell value is high)

    I'm not knocking ya if you're broke. I've been up and down plenty of times in life. But if you're making the same you made 10, 20+ years ago, it's time for an adjustment! (perhaps a little home business? something besides living off a .gov check.)
    AC3DB, KC9UDX, N9KY and 1 other person like this.
  10. N9KY

    N9KY Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm confused. The lifetime membership shows as an option here:

    So, why do you say "No more lifetime membership?"
  11. WF9Q

    WF9Q Ham Member QRZ Page

    I just realized that many of the ARRL bashers CANNOT EVEN AFFORD a QRZ paid subscription..................
    WJ4U and W6JPG like this.
  12. KY5U

    KY5U Ham Member QRZ Page

    Please take one cookie from petty cash!
  13. KY5U

    KY5U Ham Member QRZ Page

    I just realized that many of the ARRL apologists CANNOT EVEN AFFORD a clean pair of underpants to wear............................
  14. AC3DB

    AC3DB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts. Here is the response I got today from the ARRL. 73s and I hope everyone has a nice weekend. Cheers.
    Dear Aaron
    Among today’s challenges faced by publishers and associations is tailoring content to individual subscriber/member reading preferences. ARRL staff participate in many professional trade associations involving membership, publishing, media, and fulfillment – where print & digital publishing has been a top topic for years. A few years ago, for instance, some publishers reacted by eliminating print all together—in favor of digital only. Many of those journals are gone now.

    At the present time, printed QST is part of the ARRL membership benefits fulfilled to all domestic (US) members. This decision was made following extensive study of member reading preferences and practices, and the media strategies pursued by other successful organizations. While we know that some members would prefer a digital-QST-only membership option, the savings to both members and the organization pales when compared to the higher level of engagement we know that members have with print QST over the digital edition.

    For the last couple of years, we’ve offered a digital-only option to non-US members, largely because most of these individuals are already members of national societies in their own countries. The ARRL international membership rate without printed QST is $49 per year, which is the same as the domestic dues rate with printed QST. Interestingly, the majority of international members opt for the higher $76 membership rate that includes print and digital QST—and many consider the $76 rate a deal when compared to their national society dues rate.

    You may count yourself among those members who would be similarly engaged with ARRL and Amateur Radio regardless of how QST is fulfilled to you each month, print and/or digital. But as a larger population, member engagement with the print edition is much, much higher; members who are active, involved, and on the air. There are many reasons that contribute to the high level of engagement with print QST; among these are ARRL’s 100+ years producing a high quality print publication (content, layout, etc.), and the mix of technical and editorial content that lends itself most effectively to a printed page.

    Suggesting that a digital-only membership option could be offered for a discounted rate devalues the full slate of programs, services, and content produced for members. You explained that you are interested in “an expanded monthly digital version of the ARRL letter including advertising, articles featuring new product reviews, antenna projects,” etc., but that content has greater value (and expense) because it is contributed by paid authors and technical editors, and an ARRL Laboratory where product review testing is conducted. [See the following article in October 2015 QST for an extensive review of ARRL benefits and services Month in QST/October2015/Value.pdf]

    Reading preferences and technology are changing. We know that. But rest assured that ARRL has both feet in these changing dynamics. The best scenario today may change quickly tomorrow.

    I am grateful for your ongoing support of Amateur Radio, and I hope I’ll have the pleasure of serving you as an ARRL member again.
    Kindest regards,

    Diane Petrilli, KB1RNF

    Diane Petrilli, KB1RNF – Membership Manager
    ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio®225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111-1494 USA
    Telephone: (860) 594-0297 FAX: (860) 594-0303
    K2NCC likes this.
  15. K5FH

    K5FH Ham Member QRZ Page

    A reduced-rate digital-only membership/subscription makes sense. You save money, kill fewer trees and (from HQ's point of view) you're locked in. If you want to keep on viewing QST and the archives you're pretty much forced to keep re-upping your digital subscription.

    Now, if they would get off their dead arse and make QEX archives available for QEX subscribers only...

    The present approach, that is, opt out of getting the dead-tree magazine but no reduction in membership dues, makes no sense from a marketing standpoint.

    BTW- what's all this about "fixed" income? I would love to get my income's been broken almost beyond repair ever since I retired... :p
    KM4NOW likes this.

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