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ARRL 10 Meter Prep: Expert Tactics You Need to Know!

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W1DED, Dec 12, 2024.

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  1. W1DED

    W1DED Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    "The Contest Crew" is Back! This week’s episode dives into the ARRL 10 Meter Contest—a one-band bonanza that’s as unpredictable as the sunspot cycle. Kevin Thomas W1DED gathers his usual all-star panel of contest experts: Chris KL9A, Randy K5ZD, and Bill W9KKN to share tips, tales, and tactics for one of the most accessible and exciting contests in the amateur radio calendar.

    Randy explains the unique charm of 10 meters, a band that blends the thrill of HF with the quirks of VHF. Chris reminisces about his last big 10-meter run, revealing strategies for maximizing mixed-mode multipliers. Bill adds his take on propagation quirks and why this contest levels the playing field—even for operators with modest setups.

    Plus, the Contest Crew tackles listener questions from AJ NK4O, covering everything from chair preferences (no, Bill doesn’t need a seatbelt… probably) to logger tips, RBN secrets, and ergonomic hacks for contesting marathons.

    Whether you're a seasoned operator or gearing up for your first 10-meter foray, this episode is packed with ideas to up your game. With the sunspots surging, don’t miss your chance to join the action and rack up QSOs from all corners of the globe.

    Subscribe to W1DED Worldwide Ham Radio and be part of the conversation! Who knows—your question might make it into the next episode. See you on the bands!
    F4LPH, KF8BOT, DO1FER and 6 others like this.
  2. AB5ZA

    AB5ZA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I had a good run once at 8:30 in the evening one year.....then a half hour a light switch....done....I'll be using an old swan 350 with no vox, manual t/r for CW, and weak finals for this one...but my SWR is almost nil, with a Mobile whip, and 3 radials, at about 25 feet. I was fortunate enough to get the external VFO with the old Swan. Nice to have ham radio friends, eh? Manual T/R is gonna be interesting....I ain't done that since my novice days. Been working some good stuff the last few days on Ten....hpe 2 c u n the AB5ZA/7....dit dit.
    KC0MFW, KG4BFR, K5MPH and 4 others like this.
  3. DF5EN

    DF5EN Ham Member QRZ Page

    I sometimes do manual T/R too, but with a foot switch. However, the foot switch shouldn't lock in and control the TX permanently. That's not good, because then it becomes a burden. The foot switch should also have good contact. A bouncing foot switch is a no-go.

    Otherwise, it works great in CW with a manual keyer and also in SSB. In my opinion, the foot switch is even better in SSB than pressing the PTT by hand. You always have both hands free.

    But to each his own.

    Vy 73
    AB5ZA and VK3SQ like this.
  4. AB5ZA

    AB5ZA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Agreed....but even if you have the VOX Accessory with the Swan 350, it only works on SSB, and not CW, from what I understand. I'd thought a foot Switch might work off the relay connector on the back of the rig, but I found no picture of the connector in the manual, much less a picture of the rear panel.....schematic didn't seem to be of much help either. Just gotta get my 850 Kenwood fixed. Had to sell my 7700 a couple of months back (REGRETFULLY) due to unexpected/hi-dollar expenses. I also got a complete FT-101E set-up, but the receive is out. Transmit is fine, but it don't hear the receiver is dead, so there's another project. TOTALLY NOT PREPARED for this contest season, I tell ya, but it's been a rough six months or so. and still got 2 antennas to try and get back up before the snow really flies here in Montucky. Agn, hpe 2 c yuns on the air this wknd.
  5. AB5ZA

    AB5ZA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Handful of Xtals, a Straight Key, an old tube rig, maybe an Ext. VFO, and a tube receiver, antenna switch, and I'm good to go!!!!!!!!!!!!
    KG4BFR, K5MPH, K3CQR and 1 other person like this.
  6. DF5EN

    DF5EN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yes. I'll be there. From around 12 to 17 UTC, USA<>EU should be possible. If the conditions are average then I only do CW. If they are good to very good then mixed mode. In CW I will sometimes call CQ. but probably not in SSB. As a LP small pistol it's not worth it.

    And yes, I hope for damn good conditions tomorrow. Today at 13 UTC I heard a US station with S9+25dB and another from Canada with S9+10. That can only mean: fantastic contest ahead
  7. AB5ZA

    AB5ZA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I will start on CW, Probably, just to see how I do.....maybe a search and pounce approach for CW, in my situation, with manual T/R switching for CW. The weak finals need to be replaced, and I actually have some spares, but would hate to swap them out, cuz then the power might be over the 100 watt limit for SOLP. on Ten, I'm getting just under 100 watts out, and my SWR is o.4 to about 1.9 to 1 from 28 to 29 Megs. Just a cheapie 10M stick/whip mobile, and 3 radials at just about 25 Feet, or just under 7 or 8 Meters or so. Linear is down, the 850SAT is sick, as is my 130S (Kenwood's)....BUT HEY.....I'M IN, I'M IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    K3CQR likes this.
  8. K3CQR

    K3CQR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Of else would one do it? :)
    KA0SOH, K5MPH and AB5ZA like this.
  9. AB5ZA

    AB5ZA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    some "zero" land guy....has a video on youtube....of him workin' DX, with a DX-60, with a Ext. VFO, an HR-10 Rcvr I think it was....and about 50 or 60 watts maybe.... a wire antenna...runnin' split...pulled it the early 90's I had a Swan 350D....with both CW filters.....LOVED THAT RIG....again, manual T/R for CW, but sure did hear good....even with a makeshift gnd. mtd. vertical, a few radials, and a random wire tuner....a 50's style bungalow/Eff. Apt type set-up.....Oh, the memories....especially on 15 and 10 meter CW....GOOD TIMES, FOLKS.....good times. I miss that type operating, sometimes....
    KF5KWO and K3CQR like this.
  10. K3CQR

    K3CQR Ham Member QRZ Page

    I built a DX-60B around 1970-71.....great transmitter!
    NE3J likes this.
  11. AB5ZA

    AB5ZA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    got some SK stuff I'm going thru....most of the HF stuff is gone, but there were a couple of gems I kept....I got parts galore for building big power supplies, and probably big amplifiers....go thru the stuff over the winter, in between contests.....t-minus 17 minutes or so.....warming up the Swan 350 as we speak...bootin' up the is almost done....gettin' psych'd!!!!! Hi AB5ZA/7....QRZ 10M TEST.....Shortly.
  12. AB5ZA

    AB5ZA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Well,'s search and pounce for me with the old Swan 350, and Manual T/R....but....with that said......D4C, called me!!!!! (a few CQ's, and then this?) AND....also wrkd D4Z just now....yeppers.....Ten-is-a-wakin' up here in Montucky....wrkd N9RV this mornin', and KS7T last nite (CW).....where's the new guy? (KM7W???)....Makes me feel for the fella that uses an old German XMTR/RCVR and manual switching on 160, CW, and maybe 25-30 watts....he's an ANIMAL with that set-up...but hey....kinda interesting....I do have an OLD SKOOL AEA Morse that helps....I GOT THIS!!!!
  13. ZS6BK

    ZS6BK Ham Member QRZ Page

    I worked a few stations on Saturday. CW only here. I would like to work a few more today. Very difficult from South Africa for me. IC-7300 and a vertical with a tuner at the base. High noise environment and Summer storms. My main aim is WAS. I need 8 states. HELP!!
  14. KE9DRS

    KE9DRS Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Why do contests have to jam up the entire band? There should be a certain bandwidth where contesting should not be permitted to allow people who dislike contests to still be able to work the band and have a normal qso contact.
    K5MGW, G1VQI, DO1FER and 4 others like this.
  15. K5MPH

    K5MPH Ham Member QRZ Page

    O yes the good ole 10 meters I remember the opening in the 90s and also back in 70s 10 meters is a great band to work......
    VE3XXB and KF2ZZ like this.

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