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AREC activated for Cyclone LUSI

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by G4TUT/SK2022, Mar 15, 2014.

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  1. G4TUT/SK2022

    G4TUT/SK2022 Ham Member QRZ Page

    AREC activated for Cyclone LUSI

    New Zealand's amateur radio emergency service AREC was activated at 2000hrs local time Friday 14 March 2014 to gather reports of the effects of Cyclone LUSI as it passes over or near New Zealand.

    These reports will be made available to civil defence organisations to help them understand how various parts of the country have been affected by the storm. Christchurch is a particular area of concern given earthquake damage and recent flood events.

    From 2000hrs local time Friday 14 March 2014 AREC will establish a net control station ZK6EXL on the national system and on the 705 repeater in Canterbury. ZK6EXL will operate 24 hours a day until such time it has been decided doing so is no longer necessary.

    Operators are asked to submit reports as to the effects of the storm in their area, including reports that "all is well" as they are very helpful too.

    Reports may also be submitted via the website All reports, once reviewed, will be made available on that site and can be viewed by anyone.

    A summary of instructions for submitting reports and further details of how you can help may be found online at .

    All reports of imminent danger to life or property should be made to 111.

    This is an opportunity for the amateur service to demonstrate its capability to the community. Your contribution would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.

    Source: NZART

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