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AnyTone 878 Used With The Internal Bluetooth System On Your Car

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by IW2BSF, Jan 29, 2019.

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  1. IW2BSF

    IW2BSF Ham Member QRZ Page

    The D878UV radio will add a circuit card (BT Module) inside the radio.

    The kit will also include an external Bluetooth PTT switch (battery operated and connected to the radio via pairing with the radio.

    Then also a mobile phone type earphone with microphone paired with the radio.

    When used in a vehicle, and paired with the car, the radio can be playing music, and when a Analog or DMR call comes in, the radio music will silence and the call heard over the car speaker.

    If the PTT button (velcroed to the steering wheel) is pushed, you are using the car microphone for your mic.

    Worked well in several cars , now a bit more testing will be done before the kit is released by AnyTone…. Coming soon about march 2019.

    The very best of this module BT is that not used a mike and ear external (like a normal BT handset) but used the internal system audio of your car , GREAT !!!

    Thanks for this info to Trygve Svard

    Best 73 de IW2BSF - Rudy

    BT anytone.jpeg
    KE8FMJ, WW4DBM, 4X1ST and 1 other person like this.
  2. W2XG

    W2XG Ham Member QRZ Page

    AB0RE, W0AMT, KK4VRE and 2 others like this.
  3. KD2GIY

    KD2GIY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Don't seam legit to me. Every sound from the car or others in it will be transmitted. Let a hand held be a hand held and a cell be a cell. instead turning a HT into a cell. The mics will have to be wide open to pic up the driver. then he has to put you on hold when his real cell rings. Yup all the wife's in the car will love this.
    N4GST and WW5RM like this.
  4. N7AWM

    N7AWM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Spot on KD2GIY !
    WW5RM likes this.
  5. K7CB

    K7CB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Seem not seam.
  6. K6CLS

    K6CLS Ham Member QRZ Page

    I understand your objections, and mostly agree.

    But my newest car is pretty quiet inside. I hoped that its BT would link to my $700 Kenwood D74. No dice. Kenwood jiggered the BT to only connect with their overpriced audio accessories. (Oh and the drivers only work on Windows. Dummies.)

    And here is the $200 HT that could. Really tempted to get one, just to try it.
  7. KJ7WT

    KJ7WT XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I think some are missing the point. Right now, many successfully use vehicle Bluetooth cell phone systems. Yes, there is background noise, but that's true whether ham use or cell use. What I see as the major advantage is for people such as myself - I am not allowed (XYL does not want car looking like a "science project") to install a mobile rig in our car. I do have a mag mount antenna that I use with a handheld. I have used a variety of headsets, and all are a pain to use - wires getting caught, etc. A Bluetooth system would be a great way to be able to use a handheld and not deal with the rats-nest of wires. Then, when you reach your destination, it's a simple matter to connect the whip antenna and take your radio with you.
    K6JEB, K5AKM, K0WJ and 4 others like this.
  8. NN6EE

    NN6EE Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    SPOT-ON OB!!! SPELLING IS important TOO!!! :-( / :)
  9. WW5RM

    WW5RM Guest

    A HT in this part of the country is only good for listening without a good mobile antenna. By the time you add it and a cig lighter cord you much better off with a 50 watt mobile.
    N4GST likes this.
  10. WW5RM

    WW5RM Guest

    So let me get this straight. You can put a HT, cig cord, mag mount antenna, jumble the car up with wires and a HT bouncing around but a mobile is out of the question? And looking like a science project is of concern? I think its other issues at hand here brother! =]
    AE5GT, KM6JAL and N4GST like this.
  11. KD2GIY

    KD2GIY Ham Member QRZ Page

    K7CB I see you found a spelling error on what i posted.
    I have reviewed your QRZ page and found a lot of mistakes you should look into before you post something

    I don't see the point in spell checking someone's typo you don't know on a forum unless your trying to bust chops.
    AB9VR, WW5RM and K3SZ like this.
  12. KJ7WT

    KJ7WT XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    No cigar lighter cord, I use the internal battery. Right now, the radio either sits in my lap, or n the area between the seat and center console, and I use a Heil headset, which is uncomfortable and has to be managed whenever we into/out of the car. With the BT setup, radio would be under the driver's seat. Mag mount cable comes n the driver's side read door and extra is wound up and stuffed into a pocket on the back of the seat, then goes under the seat to the radio. Very clean situation. We actually have no good spot to mount a mobile rig that doesn't compromise existing storage and/or heater/radio features. My XYL likes things to look stock. Now if the Bluetooth interface could also use voice commands to change channels/frequencies, it would be pretty cool.
    WW5RM likes this.
  13. KJ7WT

    KJ7WT XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Well... I have found that an HT with a mag mount antenna has worked out quite well for me, and I don't use a cigar lighter cord. It's kind of like people (such as myself) who not only have limited antenna space, but also family members who are resistant to anything that looks like an antenna outside. I also have a very high (S7-S9) QRN level in my area. I work FT-8 almost exclusively because that's about all that gets through nowadays. Yes, a nice beam or hex beam on a tower would probably be a great help, but my XYL does not want that on our property. We use what we have as best we can, and for me, an inexpensive BT setup in the car would be beneficial, even if t would not be what you choose.
    It would be great if we all had unlimited funds for radios and antennas, and lots of property to put them way up in the air, and our family members didn't care how it made the house look, and no one lived near us so we didn't have any QRN or QRM, but that is not real life for many hams.
    N7SNR, AB9VR and WW5RM like this.
  14. WW5RM

    WW5RM Guest

    AMEN Bro! This isnt High School but some folks seem to think they must go around correcting US on every minute mistake! Plus they seem to think if you make a mistake, even a tiny grammar mistake then your whole knowledge base / experience is null and void! I say if you got the point across WTH is the problem? How do these people deal with foreigners when english isnt their native or first language?

    Isnt like we are writing a book!

    EVERYONE makes mistakes! Its life!
    KD2GIY and K3SZ like this.
  15. WW5RM

    WW5RM Guest

    Oh yes i understand but my point was a HT on just battery power doesnt cut it here. We have some good repeaters but its all flat country here, 5watts is the bare min and still not nearly enough! I do have HTs but not for mobile use. Usually X band repeat is all they are good for except near or at the tower site. I run 175 watts ( on 2M ) in my truck into two Diamond SG-7900 and i am still not happy! Main reason i run HF mostly. Plus the type of QSO fits my style better.

    I travel a lot and very seldom are in HT range of any repeater. I just know that in any disaster / emergency you normally can not stay in one place and maximum range is a must! You will not catch me living in a HOA or similar area and my YL will never stop me from erecting.........anything! lol

    But hey if you are happy, the XYL is happy then great! I just hate seeing a Ham who isnt living up to his / her full potential. Gotta get your priorities straight dude. =]

    Dont get me wrong i love my Bluetooth ear piece for my phone. I even bluetooth HF to it sometimes for RX only. But ive not found a bluetooth device yet that has decent audio quality even for RX only! Now ive listened to and even talked to some who say theirs is a wireless head set and sounds OK. Still not Q5 but as good as some hand mics but i didnt ask if it was bluetooth. I forget which brand but it was big bucks! Like you say the bottom line is the all mighty dollar so its out of my league! I only bought one radio that was new. A FT-857D back years ago when was on sale and i was making great money in the oilfield and life was good. Then later bought a TM-D710 new. All the rest of my radios are used. I actually need to replace the mem back up battery in an old Kenwood TM-331 mobile i have. ( they just put up a 220 mhz repeater 30 miles away that blows the 2M and 6M repeater at the same site away!) For example of the age of one radio i use.

    I just do not like VOX and if i have to push a button ( like on a bluetooth ear piece ) I would rather be holding a mic.

    Good luck with the QRN, QRM, HOA and mobile set up. But never quit and never surrender! =]
    K5XOM likes this.

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