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Antenna Mast OR Flagpole...its both

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KD4BMG, Jul 18, 2023.

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  1. KD4BMG

    KD4BMG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I like flying the American flag, I like my end fed wire antenna, and now I can have both at the same time. I am using the Chameleon Antenna CHA Porta Mast.
    M0AZE, KD9YLL, KC5NGX and 13 others like this.
  2. KQ1V

    KQ1V Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Queue up the "it's just a compromised antenna..." and "but the bands are horrible..." comments, discourse, discussions, & etc.

    Chameleon makes a darn good product, IMO.
    W1KEY, KC7ZXY, W9AWX and 1 other person like this.
  3. KD4BMG

    KD4BMG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I know, I get that comment a lot "that's a compromised antenna". I've learned to laugh it off as I busy myself making QSO's.

    Wait until they see my 20 watt mag loop in the attic, that'll get them going...again, all the while, I'm making contacts every time I turn my radio on.
    W3LES, VE7NGK, KN6FWT and 9 others like this.
  4. W7DGJ

    W7DGJ Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hi Bob - Antennas are such a prickly topic for discussion here! I reviewed the Buckmaster OCD and have a couple of years experience with it. Performs flawlessly -- extreme DX catcher. But, they're right, it's a "compromise." Still, any time I use it I am impressed with what I get from that compromise. I was only surprised by the nastiness of the commentary. Truly some haters out there who come out of the woodwork to diss your antenna -- ANY antenna. Dave, W7DGJ
    SFPROPHOTO, KN4ULD, KE8HYN and 9 others like this.
  5. KD4BMG

    KD4BMG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Totally agree Dave. If all the energy wasted on negativity was invested on thinking through and recommending better ways, imagine how much more helpful that would be. I am a YouTuber of 2 years, and I've learned, doesn't matter what I do or say, someone will always complain or attack. The good news is, they are the minority and I've learned to just ignore the comments. I focus on the people that want to learn, or that want to teach in a constructive way, and there are plenty of both. Thanks for commenting.
    SFPROPHOTO, K8DQ, K9SS and 4 others like this.
  6. KO4TXV

    KO4TXV Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Now, if I could just get my apartment complex to let me install one. But, maybe down the road I can get one for portable ops and or camping.
    N1VAU, K9SS and KQ1V like this.
  7. WD8ED

    WD8ED Ham Member QRZ Page

    Fight "negativity" with negativity. Nice.
    AK5B, KA4VNM and K9SS like this.
  8. W5CJA

    W5CJA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    For the price, this doesn't seem too bad. However, there are a few issues with using this as an "HOA approved flag pole antenna." First, it's just a mast, and a metal one at that. Your antenna will be hard to see, but still visible to the pesky neighbor that wants to report you.

    The pricier true "flagpole antennas" will be either a vertical, or an OCF vertical with no external wires. They're more expensive, but much easier to get HOA approved. But, you get what you pay for.

    This mast in the OP seems good, and I like the way the sections seat against each other. I would not want to take it for a POTA / SOTA, etc. There are fiberglass masts that will get taller while likely being lighter as well, for the same price. To each their own, but unless you have a pretty relaxed HOA with good neighbors, I'd rather get a taller flagpole antenna that will conceal the antenna better.
    K9SS and KQ1V like this.
  9. WD8BP

    WD8BP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hello ..

    I invite people who are interested in indoor antenna's to take a look at my qrz page. I lived in a upper floor townhouse that had full attic. One time I have over 9 antenna's and all minus the Cushcraft vertical worked very well. I took photo's because people did not believe I was using indoor antenna. Did have lot of success for the over 11 yrs I lived in the townhouse, with zero interference.
    Never know how antenna will work until you try it.
    Today I have outside antenna's and have weather problems to contend with, rain,wind,water,snow etc. Had none of these issues when antenna's were in attic. My 2 cents worth.
    KJ4NDT, W4BTH, WB8DD and 7 others like this.
  10. K7CB

    K7CB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Wait - the Buckmaster OCF is a compromise? By who's standards? Those with towers and beams? If that's the case - seems rather arrogant to me considering not everyone has the deep pockets it takes to have a tower and beam antennas. That said - I've been using a Buckmaster OCF for just over 10 years and I've worked all over the world with it using only 100W. So I'd say it's far from being a compromise antenna.
    NY7H, KU4RN, K0OMD and 2 others like this.
  11. K7FR

    K7FR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    If it gets you on the air it's golden!
    G4VZR, K4KID, M7ARM and 7 others like this.
  12. KW1NG

    KW1NG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    KD9YSB and KQ1V like this.
  13. W7DGJ

    W7DGJ Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I agree Steve. Where were you when they were nailing me for a positive review on that antenna? Could have used your support! That review is at this link in case you wanted to add a comment or two. There's one fellow in particular, out of Prescott AZ, who does his best to squelch any positive commentary about Buckmaster on any forum. He may show up again if you say something on the forum at the end of the review. Dave, W7DGJ
    KQ1V and K7CB like this.
  14. K2HAT

    K2HAT Premium Subscriber Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper QRZ Page

    I saw this a couple years ago, and then found the Force 12 version schematics on the internet archive;
    and built one from a Amazon Flagpole. As an off center fed antenna it worked pretty good.

    In the long run I redid it; instead of as an off center fed I am using it as an Inverted L,
    I added 100ft of 12 gauge stranded wire to the top.
    And with a ground radial field and an MFJ 998RT at the base of the flagpole, I am able to use it 10-160m.

    This is what I am trying to homebrew.
    Force 12 must have used a thicker wall aluminum flagpole than what I was able to buy on Amazon, so the MGS Max Gain Systems 1.75 fiberglass sleeve tubing that's mentioned in the pdf file was too loose inside the 2" aluminum flagpole pipe.
    I found that 1.5" pvc plumbing pipe fits inside snug.
    I ordered some 1.5" outside diameter fiberglass tube from MGS that is
    hopefully going to fit inside the pvc 1.5"
    The approx 1.5” outside fiberglass thick wall tubing arrived today. Fits a little bit loose in the 1.5” pvc plumbing pipe. I put some caulk in between the two. Drilled holes in the tubes and put some 10 gauge stranded electric wire in and attached a couple connectors and soldered them. Ran 450 ohm ladder line up through the 1.5” plumbing pipe that is in the lower section of flagpole antenna pipe. Then attached the two wire pieces together.
    Soldered and double shrink wrap tubing.
    Slowly coming together.
    Using stainless steel 2.5” 1/4/20
    Hex head bolts stainless washers and stainless nylock nuts to bolt together and for the electric RF connections.*/h...attachments/209026267/Flagpole_Production.PDF

    Attached Files:

    KD2HRD and KQ1V like this.
  15. KT4PH

    KT4PH Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Well Dave, I reread your review and I think it is quite good. But this is coming from a person the only has a 160/80/40 dipole up at 25 feet and a 6BTV mounted on the ground. Both serve me fairly well, I do get a bit frustrated sometimes when trying to make some of the rarer DX contacts, but I'm a bit too lazy (and frugal) to go the tower and beam antenna route. I do have the space to do it in my little slice of paradise here in central VA but I don't want to spend the funds necessary to install a tower the correct way, not with retirement in two years anyway, need to save the funds for my retirement days. Maybe after I retire and see that I have the necessary funds to survive (which my financial guy thinks I do), I'll rethink the tower thing, but for right now, I'll stick with what I have. Heck, I'm still operating one radio and using a TV tray for a desk!

    KQ1V likes this.

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