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AmateurLogic's Ham College episode 8

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W5JDX, Aug 30, 2015.

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  1. W5JDX

    W5JDX XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Ham College episode 8 is now available for download.

    Ham College, the new show for those new to the hobby and those wishing to get into Amateur Radio.

    In episode 8 we discuss the radio bands available to hams. More questions and answers from the Technical class question pool. We also tell you how you can win an Icom T-shirt and cap and about the AmateurLogic.TV 10th Anniversary contest where someone is going to win a nice HF transceiver and accessories.

    KM4EOM and WM9F like this.
  2. KY5U

    KY5U Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great stuff as usual, George. How about a plug for e-Elmer, a free learning site for new hams at . A great phone/tablet reference for new guys on the go or on the air. Thanks sir!
  3. K9WRH

    K9WRH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great show what is show schedule would like to join you live and test my knowledge

    Fred K9WRH

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