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Amateur Radio Newsline headlines for Ham Nation. August 30, 2023.

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KB7TBT, Aug 29, 2023.

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  1. KB7TBT

    KB7TBT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Amateur Radio Newsline headlines for Ham Nation. August 30, 2023.

    VK5AAX, 2E0EUG, N6RLS and 2 others like this.
  2. DO1FER

    DO1FER Ham Member QRZ Page

    Satellite hacking is a not so widespreaded, because there is much more to know than to use the Internet. But its important, to find the security breaches in a not criminal way.

    Those hacks are known since the end of the 1980s. Here in Europe there was Dr. Dish a good source of whats going on up there. So he talked about in a TV-show and in his specialist journal until 2017.

    And he opened the door to forgotten military telephone satellites for to have a cheap call. He showed the world the unsafety creditcard communications worldwide and what cardnumbers where closed and opened and where this is to read actual in a digital plaintext.

    And not enough to that, his homebrew LNBs made out of a slim beancan and a nail to receive satellite signals in an easy way were crazy, too.
    VK2FP and WI5TX like this.

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