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All SO 239s are NOT Made Equal!

Discussion in 'Videos and Podcasts' started by VU2JO, Feb 4, 2024.

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  1. VU2JO

    VU2JO Ham Member QRZ Page

    In my recent post on Factors Affecting SWR, I had mentioned about splayed out inner connector of SO 239 on the SWR meter, as a reason for open circuit while connecting a PL 259 plug. I had a closer look at the SO 239 connectors on TM 261, IC 2730 and FT-710. I was quite surprised to find that they are obviously different from the SO 239 connector on the SWR meter! I could compare only the construction on external appearance and not the quality of material and method of construction of the connectors. I presume that it will be better for the more expensive radios than the much cheaper SWR meter.

    W8TJM likes this.
  2. SM0AOM

    SM0AOM Ham Member QRZ Page

    The PL-259/SO-239 or "UHF" connectors have widely varying quality
    and fit. Most of the "far-east" produced connectors are "almost conforming" to the original 83-1SP standard, and also have large differences in build quality.

    It is one of the "unsolved mysteries" that it is still so widely used, even in some professional circles such as ship's radio, but a plausible explanation was once given by a Danish manufacturer back in the 80s;
    "The UHF connectors can be obtained in every sea-port, even in third-world countries"
    W8TJM and VU2JO like this.
  3. VU2JO

    VU2JO Ham Member QRZ Page

    You are right, UHF connectors were available even in my small city in 80s. Now I have to get it online.

    In fact my city has a small sea-port as well, mostly meant for small ships to VU7 region currently.

    It was in my city that Vasco da Gama from Lisbon, Portugal, landed in 1498 and that is part of history which we learn at school!

    He was the first European to reach India by sea.

    73 de Jon, VU2JO

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