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9G4X Ghana West Africa DXpedition March22-30 2023

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by K9UR, Feb 23, 2023.

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  1. K9UR

    K9UR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    • AE13C55F-E25E-43B4-B2D6-A6D46C64D57A.jpeg

      February 22, 2023
      Ghana (9G4X) DXpedition Announced
      The Accra Amateur Radio Club, 9G2DX is hosting a DXpedition in March 2023 that includes veteran
      DXpeditioners: Gregg, W6IZT; George, N4GRN and Hal, W8HC. Rounding out their 9 member team
      is: Haim, 9G5AF; Bob, W9AP; Joe, K9UR; Mike, WB0SND; Curt N2ZX and Zeev 4X4ZS. They will
      be QRV March 22-30 including participation in the CQWW WPX Phone Contest March 25-26.
      The DXpedition has been granted a special callsign, 9G4X for use during their 8 day operation from
      the Sankofa Beach House Resort located on the coast south of Accra in Langma Village.
      During the contest 9G4X will operate in the M/2 category while outside the contest, the team will
      operate 3 stations 160m-10m with a 4
      th station dedicated to 6m as well as a 5th station QRV on QO-100.
      The team also looks forward to working with some of the local 9G hams sharing DXpeditioning and
      contest operating experiences that they hope will encourage the locals to pick up and continue after

      DX Engineering is sponsor of this 9G4X DXpedition. DXE has graciously provided a 5-element 6m LFA yagi from EAntenna that will be used during the DXpedition and which will be donated to the 9G2DX Club station afterward for their continued use during the 6m season.

      Watch the 9G4X page on for more details and donation information.

      PayPal: ghanadxpedition (at) gmail (dot) com.

      QSL via K4NHW, OQRS and LoTW

    EA1CS likes this.
  2. EA1CS

    EA1CS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    TNX J
    TNX Joe for all the info...
    K9UR likes this.
  3. WI9LL

    WI9LL Ham Member QRZ Page

    What is the bird thing on the flag?
  4. K9UR

    K9UR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Sankofa (pronounced SAHN-koh-fah) is a word in the Twi language of Ghana meaning “to retrieve”. Sankofa is often associated with the proverb, “Se wo were fi na wosankofa a yenkyi," which translates as: "It is not wrong to go back for that which you have forgotten."

    The sankofa bird appears frequently in traditional Akan art, and has also been adopted as an important symbol in African Diaspora context to represent the need to reflect on the past to build a successful future. It is one of the most widely dispersed adinkra symbols, appearing in modern jewelry, tattoos, and clothing. It is represented by a bird with its head turned backwards while its feet face forward carrying a precious egg in its mouth.

    Joe K9UR
  5. WI9LL

    WI9LL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks for the info! I have been to Accra. It's a whole different world over there. I hope the team is received well and has a fun time on the DXpedition.
    K9UR likes this.
  6. K9UR

    K9UR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks and yes - the world is vast and ever interesting. Sure glad the pandemic is mostly behind us and have the opportunities to travel and dx once again. Hope we see you in many pages of our log. 73 OM and good DX .
  7. K9UR

    K9UR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    One edit: Zeev callsign is 4X5ZS. It was incorrectly listed above in the announcement as 4x4ZS and I’m unable to edit that post.
  8. K9UR

    K9UR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Join us on Facebook for real time dxpedition updates and share in the fun. The Facebook link can be found here. When possible, postings to QRZ will also occur as some hams are not face book users.
  9. W3HKK

    W3HKK Ham Member QRZ Page

    • de ex-9G1GS/W3HKK . Bob:

    • Brings back Great memories of the Hotel Atlantic, in Takoradi, in 1969. Was working for Mobil Oil in Ghana conducting seismic oil exploration at the time. Hand carried a Swan 500c with me and received permission from mgmt to erect a 2 el 15m quad on the hotel roof, and operate from my room as time permitted. Hired some youngsters to cut down enough bamboo to build the quad, and borrowed spare coax and a rotator from the ship to operate for three months in spare time. Worked like gangbusters! Great worldwide propagation!
    • Arrived in Accra in June and was directed to the friendly PTT where Director Amatewee was generous with his time and promptly awarded me a license as 9G1GS. Thanks, Mr. Amatewee for making it all possible! Western Geophysical Co. was one of the first seismic exploration crews working off the Ghanaian coast.
    • Another fond memory was listening to fabulous High Life music played Live on the hotel veranda every Saturday afternoon. And in the hotel bar, always buzzing with reporters ( named Walter Winchell and Walter Cronkite) everyone was excited about the possibilities of an oil discovery energizing the local economy. It took some time, but it was there, and it was found.
    • Another Memory of a lifetime was made when Thor Heyerdahl floated past West Africa on his rafts, The Ra and the Ra II, proving it was possible for Man to build papyrus rafts and and drift on ocean currents from Africa to The New World. His radio broadcasts from the Ra came in 59+30 to my roof overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, and I couldnt believe my good fortune to hear his transmissions back to his Press Agent in the D.C. area - loud and clear for several days, before finally drifting out of range.
    Best wishes to the Lucky Ones on this terrific DXpedition. I'm looking forward to working 9G4X on CW & SSB!

    de Bob W3HKK
    ex: 9G1GS - 5A3TG - op. at 5A1TV - PY8/W3HKK - PT7/W3HKK - ON8UD - F7AL

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