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9 VIDEOS of Installing a 3-Element 75-Meter Yagi Antenna at Contest Station W0AIH

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by WB9MCW/SK2024, Sep 14, 2016.

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  1. WB9MCW/SK2024

    WB9MCW/SK2024 Ham Member QRZ Page

    It was a perfect day with low winds and great drove videos of the install by N9QIP at the site.
    To learn all about the Contest Station W0AIH go to the QTH site and enter the call.
    Click on the link below for the first of the 9 videos set in auto play. enjoy.

    I6FLD, AD0MV, KQ0U and 5 others like this.
  2. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

  3. KK4YDR

    KK4YDR Ham Member QRZ Page

    wow talk about some signal
  4. VE3YF

    VE3YF Premium Subscriber QRZ Page


    As I said in the email, nice looking antenna. Great Job. I can't believe you are still still climbing though, stay safe Paul and see you on the bands.

    73 De Mike
  5. K0JS

    K0JS Ham Member QRZ Page

    A different sort of ballet, with Beethoven, no less.
    May we have the cast credits, please?
  6. WB9MCW/SK2024

    WB9MCW/SK2024 Ham Member QRZ Page

    W0AIH is Paul in the red. He is 82 years young and the owner.
    KB9RBL is Mike in the green yellowish jacket.
    WD9ISQ is Don in the dark t shirt with the bb cap on backwards.
    N9QIP is Len the drone owner on the ground and not visible on the videos.
  7. UR5QSS

    UR5QSS Ham Member QRZ Page

  8. K9PT

    K9PT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Cool! Nice work guys. Thanks for the drone videos too.
  9. N2MDA

    N2MDA Ham Member QRZ Page

    WOW !! This installation makes my local AM+FM station look like a walkie talkie. Wisconsin is a beautiful place to put up antennas. I'll listen for you on 80 meters here in Florida. Best of luck
  10. N7XGR

    N7XGR Ham Member QRZ Page

  11. M1WML

    M1WML Ham Member QRZ Page

    it,s ok putting them up... it,s all about keeping them up.. not many do...
    KM1H likes this.
  12. WY7RF

    WY7RF Ham Member QRZ Page

    Cute little station. ;)
    WR2E likes this.
  13. K9RX

    K9RX Ham Member QRZ Page

    sorry - you need to check on that one again - their beam came down in a winter storm! They had designed in a computer controller release to allow it to windmill ... it didnt' work - it came tumbling down. Besides they said the 160 didn't work all that well... verticals seem to work better.
    W0BTU likes this.
  14. K0UO

    K0UO Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

  15. KY5U

    KY5U Ham Member QRZ Page

    Uber kewel!

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