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7O6T - Yemen Approved For DXCC Credit

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by WA6ITF, May 6, 2012.

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  1. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well, I am not. I am Jewish and I have no problem with DXCC approval.

    Its a victory to have ANYONE within Yemen or Saudi Arabia talk to Jews. Its a first step. A small but tactical victory for unchilling the ugly reality of a bitter and dangerous world.

    You cannot enter Saudi Arabia or Yemen if you are Jewish. Note I didn't merely say 'Israeli'. The exclusion is religious, not merely political.

    Chip W1YW
  2. WW3QB

    WW3QB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yemen is not the only one. A visiting ham to Lebanon (with operating permission) was questioned by police a year or two ago under the suspicion that he could communicate with Israel. It would not be pleasant to be caught having a QSO with an Israeli station in Saudi Arabia, Iran, or Egypt or other countries in the region, whether it it was officially prohibited or not. Should all those countries be removed from DXCC too?
  3. KF7PCL

    KF7PCL Ham Member QRZ Page

    I was listening to an Israeli station on a linked repeater system (I won't name names or call signs since I cannot really speak on his behalf).
    Someone asked him his opinion on the Yemen dxpedition. He was not surprised or really upset. I wish he would chime in here personally but I think that probably wont happen.
  4. W6SDM

    W6SDM Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    You make some really good points and you've made them well. This is one of the few issues that I've seen where it's really hard to take one side or the other. I haven't read the responses yet beyond your post, but I would hope that you don't need a flame suit because there is a lot of validity to what you've said.

    Did we boycott anyone else whose political views are contrary to ours or whose human rights policies are in question? Every time someone mistakenly spots a P5 call on the clusters, it causes an instant pileup until someone figures out the mistake.

    Ham radio should be apolitical.

  5. KF7PCL

    KF7PCL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Unfortunately you may be flamed on either side of the argument because everyone is strongly opinionated.
    Unfortunately people will drag politics into anything.

    John / KF7PCL
  6. KF7PCL

    KF7PCL Ham Member QRZ Page

    The browser crashed and ate my post :(
    You can get flamed on either side of the argument because people are so opinionated.
    Unfortunately people will drag politics into anything.

    John / KF7PCL
  7. K2JK

    K2JK Ham Member QRZ Page

    7O6T, operating by choice under "no Israel" restrictions, has DXCC legitimacy.

    It just lacks moral legitimacy.
  8. W6UDO

    W6UDO Ham Member QRZ Page

    A lot of change has started with complaining, then protesting and marching in the streets. Unfortunately, I doubt anyone here or anywhere else in the free world would be permitted, let alone have the wherewithal to enter Yemen and protest.
  9. W4IOA

    W4IOA Ham Member QRZ Page

    best post in this pile of hypocritical nonsense. If my antenna was up in the air I would be trying to make a contact, hopefully by Thursday
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