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420-450 MHz 50 watts power limitation.

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by WB1WMB, May 22, 2006.

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  1. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page

    While what you've said is true, actions defy logic. Why? Well, as in my personal example, it makes little sense to still have in place a 50W restriction across the entire state of Florida (which, BTW, is FLAT as a pancake) yet allow a repeater operating at 1100 feet on a tower with an ERP of probably at least 500Watts that is about 100 miles as the crow flies from Patrick AFB and about 35 miles from MacDill AFB.

    And, there's my example of permission to use in excess of 100W while mobile.

    That said, either the restriction should be lifted for the entire state of Florida, or, a zone distance established around any remaining operational radars in the state of Florida where no 70cM operation is allowed at all.

    My speculation is that there either are not any anymore, or, the radii of concern is much, much smaller. But, even a smaller zone of concern makes little sense.

    I realize making changes to regulations has a cost involved, but, also, too, costs are involved to process requests for special authority.

    Non-interference operation from a secondary allocation is an after-the-fact occurence, or the result of listen before transmit assumption. We may or may not be able hear a radar pulse. And, certainly, if a dormant radar is suddenly turned on and a few of us are causing it problems, I'm sure we will promptly hear about it.

    Just remember this: If the restriction is still pertinent and strategic, there would be a total prohibition within a radius of the facilities as there is surrounding the White Sands area. When you think about it, even a few Watts close in to a source would be just as bad as 100W a little further away.

    Somehow, me thinks the regulations are a tad out of date. Anybody up for a rulemaking Petition?


  2. K5CO

    K5CO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Periodically, I do some specialized work for the folks at area 51; and I'd have to say that all of the above is a load of garbage. Well, except for the two alien bodies; they do have those. We were pouring some Mexican beer on one of them at a party last month. They are done with the bodies now and not sure what to do with them. One guy suggested a "Christian burial".
    That should work.
  3. K0RGR

    K0RGR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Garsh...I remember looking into this when I lived in California, but I didn't think I was in an area that was covered at the time. Either the boundaries have moved, or I misread the descriptions at the time. Here in MN, I'm more concerned with the 'Boundary A' restriction for those occasions I travel north of Duluth.
  4. N6VMO

    N6VMO Ham Member QRZ Page

    I use the tried and true rule of:  'It's easier to ask for forgiveness rather than ask for permission.' [​IMG]
  5. KB7DA

    KB7DA Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Oh BROVO!!

    Oh and Elvis is the head of that department!

    He is a "hero"

    never forget that :p

    The Truth is it is best to deceive than to be deceived, this way if the truth comes out it would not be good for us? "We can't handle the truth!" for it to be known that is to confirmed what we knew all along, that "We are a country of the double standard" and we thrive on it and others are jealous....

    Welcome to the 21st century!

    Some day maybe just maybe it will fix itself and be fixed for good.....
  6. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page

    As I said earlier, this whole subject is somewhat goofy.

    Another example:

    Footnote US7:

    i) In the States of Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina within a 200-kilometer (124-mile) radius of Warner Robins Air Force Base, Georgia (latitude 32[deg]38[min] North, longitude 83[deg]35[min] West).

    How goofy can you get? If you draw a line from Warner Robins GA straight across to Columbus and the border being the Chatahoochie River, that's just about 100 miles. So, only 24 miles further into Alabama.

    Now, get this:

    (b) The entire State of Florida including the Key West area and the areas enclosed within a 322-kilometer (200-mile) radius of Patrick Air Force Base, Florida (latitude 28[deg]21[min] North, longitude 80[deg]43[min] West), and within a 322-kilometer (200-mile) radius of Eglin Air Force Base, Florida (latitude 30[deg]30[min] North, longitude 86[deg]30[min] West);

    Draw a line due north from Eglin AFB, FL, 200 miles and
    you've just about encompassed the southern half of the entire state of Alabama. Up to within 50 miles of Birmingham. Yet, no mention of Alabama at all in that paragraph.

    As I said earlier, this whole business is goofy. Somebody's whistlin' Dixie. Besides me.

    Also, I'm not going to post it, but the footnote for Southern Californians within 200 miles of the Pacific Missle Range (Pt. Mugu) in Ventura County would take in everything from about Delano on the north to almost San Diego on the south. So, everybody in LA better not be running more than 50W PEP on 70cM without permission!!!


  7. WN4M

    WN4M Guest

    The reason for the 50 watt limit on UHF in Florida, is the magnetic storms it causes. I saw in a movie a couple of years ago where they created a magnetic RF storm off the coast of miami in a little known place (the bermuda triangle) The result was a Storm (hurricane) with over 350mph winds that almost wiped out the population of florida. Its twue, its twue.........(not) or is it???
  8. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sure, its possible.  BUT, you shouldn't have to ask.  For those that don't know, PMR is at sea level.  Just to the east and north and also to the south are some rather steep mountains.  Part of the Sierras and I think, the San Gabriel mountains.  Elevations of several thousand feet, up to about 6000 or so to the north before descending into the San Joaquin Valley.

    How stupid, then, is it for such a 200 mile restriction, if such terrain makes a perfect shield from PMR for all but any repeaters or remotes atop those ranges?  Oh, sure, maybe mobiles in Oxnard, Ventura and Malibu ought to be subject to a limit, if there still is a concern.

    I think you can see my point.  Literally every other source of 70cM RF could run 1.5kW ERP and the mountains would form an effective shield for the PMR.

    Sure looks to me as though at least several of the paragraphs (of US7) could use some adjustment to both make more sense and be easier to enterpret.

  9. KA9UCE

    KA9UCE Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm a good 440 ham, I use whatever power I can produce!

    I have been known, and have available, an amplifier that will do 375 watts easily, and it would not be difficult to adapt it to a mobile, or even a portable, all I would need to do is remove the IPA and run the 45 watt mobile and BAM!...Instant radar busting power.

    Since I am NOT under the authority of ANY military god, I will NOT ask for 'permission' from them. They work for ME, not the other way around!

    This is the U.S.A, where the people RUN the government AND military, I am long done with my life being dictated to BY the military!

    If I feel like running more than 50 watts, I'll do it!

    I have had it with the SHEEP asking for permission to remain alive, while the wolf feeds on the carcas of its neighbor.

    MY government, MY military, MY money...>MY country!

    If we were a military controlled nation, then we would not be free, and we are very close to that right now, but since the military is NOT the law of the land, I'll be damned if I will 'ask' permission from ANY damned base 'commander'...Who the HELL do they think THEY are anyhow??

    Secondary or not......I will NEVER take orders from any military puke, my tour of duty ENDED years ago!

    Sorry if I offend anybody, but the militray does NOT give ME orders.....I am NOT property, I am a FREE person and I can choose what I want to do, NOBODY owns me, and I damn sure take no orders from any military personnel.

    My past life of dictatorial regimes has long ended, my committment is long over, the military has no legitimate control over any civilians.

    Too bad, so sad...I will operate above 50 watts when I feel it is appropriate to do so.

    *ALWAYS question authority*

    With a 'leader' like the head plant, I can see WHY we are in deep trouble.

    As for line 'A'...Again, we are pandering to the Canadians, while 2/3s of their UHF systems remain UNUSED, even there highband systems have been left in ruins and ill-maintained, why should we cater and allow Canada to run over us with their high powered stations while we restrict our people to the under 50 watt 'rule'?

    Most of the systems I've seen and heard in the line 'A' area are low UHF...415-436, and a few of them are as wide as a barn door with its signals...try 15Khz. W I D E.
    Splatter on several adjacent frequencies and NOTHING is done to mitigate the problem because 'we' don't want to create 'trouble', so we leave it alone in hopes that it will just go away, which it never does.

    But again, I am not dictated to by the military, and I REFUSE to bow down to anybody, especially the military!

    What the troops are doing in Iraq is simply playing cat and mouse, and it will NEVER get better, and we will be there longer than we were in Vietnam, BOTH will be a shameful WASTE of LIFE and resouces best used for more LEGITIMATE needs, like feeding OUR homeless and starving!

    Kill Osama...THAT is the REAL object of focus, not Iraq, whom we have defeated over and over again, and who couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper sack.

    They LOST the ability to regroup and redeploy, and are only a few steps from returning to the 'stone age', aside from the human bombs the idiots recruit all over the mid east, those people would kill their own family members in the name of their religion.....How 'civilized' can they be?
  10. KG6YTZ

    KG6YTZ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Well, I'll be dipped...  I'm going to assume here that I - at just a bit northwest of 118W by 34N - fall well within this radius. [​IMG]

    The coordinates I've entered in my profile are almost the location of my antenna, but I think a final digit or two has been dropped or rounded by QRZ, so those coordinates don't even point to the right building.  Google Earth says 34° 5' 36.74" north by 118° 2' 4.83" west.  QRZ says 34° 5' 37.13" north by 118° 2' 5.02" west.  I don't have GPS.

    But anyway...  Yeah.  I'm going to say I'm inside that radius.
  11. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yep, you're real close. Want another good laugh?

    If you draw a straight line from Pt. Mugu to Tijuana, its about 175 to 180 miles distant. So, are they going to tell the Mexican hams within 20 miles of our border (that) they can't emit more than 50W ERP on 70cM?

    More logic to the illogical.

    Mucho thought went into the development of those restrictions. Undoubtedly by some very expernsive bureaucrat.
  12. WA2ZDY

    WA2ZDY Guest

    Lee, I hope some knucklehead with a few ounces of authority isn't reading this. I'd hate to think you planted an idea in someone's head. Obviously restrictions are unlikely to be lifted; given the opportunity I'm sure they'd prefer your second idea.

    UCE, you are a good ham. We need more folks like you. I just wish I had the guts to say "screw the rules, I'm doing what I want and THEY CAN'T STOP ME!"

    Oh wait, I CAN say that. The freebanders say it all the time. I think though I'll just play the game, keep my ticket and not be Gerritson/Baxter Jr.

    I think I'll just keep my 45 watt GM300 and be happy I'm in compliance as I cruise Bruce B Downs Blvd this summer.
  13. WA9SVD

    WA9SVD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Then you might like to meet Jack, ex-KG6IRO.
    He had the same attitude about operating on Public Service frequencies: he claimed it was his constitutional right of free speech, and if it interferes with police communications, that was THEIR problem...

    He is awaiting sentencing.

    Saying you would wilfully interfere with military use of frequencies where the military has primary status IS patently offensive, and certainly not "Good Amateur Practice." Were many Amateur operators to take that attitude, the entire band COULD easily be removed from the Amateur allocation. Of course, then you would be a "freebander," not an Amateur Radio Operator. Illegal by what ever name you wish to use. And a great example of a role model for new operators.

    Somewhere I read that an Amateur Radio Operator should be "Considerate, Loyal, ...Patriotic..." Yeah, that's it. It's patriotic to believe you have a right to cause possible interference to military use of radio frequencies. where they have priority. Such old fashioned ideals. Glad they don't apply any more.
  14. K5CO

    K5CO Ham Member QRZ Page

    One has to wonder why this is a topic for conversation. Don't all hams know this from their initial studies and staying somewhat in touch? Can't we talk about no cw or something?
  15. WA9SVD

    WA9SVD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Apparently some licensees have no regard for the rules and regulations, and do not feel the rules and regs apply to THEM.

    Once upon a time, REAL Amateur Radio Operators knew the rules and regs, and actually OBEYED the rules and regulations! What a quaint and obviously outdated concept.
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