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3W3RR Jail-pedition continues

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by NT2X, Jun 21, 2018.

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  1. K7GQ

    K7GQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Interesting - I never had any trouble getting his QSLs - both good and bogus.
  2. WJ4U

    WJ4U Ham Member QRZ Page

    Real? Bogus? Whocares? Sounds like Bernie Ebbers. RIP.
  3. K0UO

    K0UO Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    20200206_201943.jpg P5RS7
    I have the card for North Korea but nobody is accepting it!! Now that he's out of jail, maybe he'll go back!!!

    I agree there's a high probability that he did not go to North Korea with his team but other team members continue to say that they were there. Some guys claim that direction finding them they were on some island in the Pacific. I guarantee you there was snow in this photo!!!!
    I talked to one other member of this so-called Expedition and he claims they crossed over on the Korea–Russia Friendship Bridge on a train.
    Who knows??
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2020
  4. F5FRM

    F5FRM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Beside the DXCC accreditation, it's probably only a personnal matter and depends on how important adding one more DXCC on one's score is, compared to how valid this score seems to be: when someone has already a pair of prooved bogus activities on their CV, I personnaly don't need much more to skip everything done by them.

    About Romeo himself, the author of this topic forgot to mention the vast majority of those who don't care of his person and are only interested by facts and consequences related to HAM radio. When you have such a poor record, you need more than just serving your time in prison if you want to get back to your former schoolyard. To be rehabilitated beyond the Justice, you also need to proove to everyone you deceived that you've changed deeply, no matter how bright you want your picture to be. That's the difference between form and content.
    K0UO likes this.
  5. K7KBN

    K7KBN Ham Member QRZ Page

    "Legendary?" More like "legend".
  6. N2EY

    N2EY Premium Subscriber QRZ Page



  7. W3WN

    W3WN Ham Member QRZ Page

    There are those who are famous.
    Then there are those who are infamous.

    I have never worked either Romeo or Don Miller. I have met Dr. Miller once, at Hamvention shortly after his release from incarceration.

    Acknowledging that both of these individuals were both, once upon a time, near legends at the top of the DX world, before coming down to earth by their own hubris, neither condemns nor condones either or anything that they did. Simply notes that they are like so many others before them; and others will in time follow suit, unfortunately; that is human nature.
    WD4ELG and W1BR like this.
  8. WC5P

    WC5P Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I just stumbled across an old rerun of NCIS Los Angeles in which the NCIS good guys are chasing a perp named Roman Vega, a Peruvian drug dealer / terrorist.

    Gotta wonder how the writers just happened to pick that name out of a hat. I bet a few Hollywood writers are hams.
    SA1CKE and W1BR like this.

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