It was on December 11, 1921 that 1BCG in Greenwich Connecticut sent the first message transmitted by an amateur radio station to span the Atlantic using short waves. The 1921 Transatlantic Tests were organized by the ARRL to determine if radio signals around the 200 meter wavelength (considered shortwaves at the time) could travel long distances at night. The interest began with rumours of U.S. based amateurs possibly hearing European amateur signals. Paul Godley (2ZE), considered one of the finest radio operators of the day, was sent to Ardrossan Scotland to listen for the participating station's signals which included both spark (damped wave) and CW (continuous wave). One of the two receivers used was custom built by Major Edwin Armstrong who was also one of the operators at 1BCG. 1BCG Designers, Builders, Operators: (L-R) Ernest Amy (2VK), John Grinan (2PM), George Burghard (2SS), Edwin Armstrong (W2XMN), Minton Cronkhite (1BCG) This was the first message received at 9:52pm (Eastern US time) on December 11, 1921... "No.1 de 1BCG. W-12 (Words 12) New York Date 11/12-21 To Paul Godley Ardrossan Scotland Hearty Congratulations Burghard Inman Grinan Armstrong Amy Cronkhite" The celebration of the birth of DXing and DXpeditions is being celebrated on-air today on the 20, 40, and 80 meter bands with help from the VRCMCT (Vintage Radio & Communications Museum of Connecticut) and several amateurs who have participated in these anniversary events over the past several years. Here are some excellent links for additional information about the Transatlantic Tests: ARRL 95th anniversary in Greenwich (2016): Video hightlights from the 100th anniversary at the VRCMCT using a replica 1BCG transmitter (2021): The Antique Wireless Association produced an excellent documentary called The Trans-Atlantic Test of 1921: W2PA wrote a fascinating 1BCG story that can be read on his Ham Radio History page: n1BCG Homepage:
It makes me appreciate just how far we've advanced technologically within the lifetime of a few folks who were alive to experience all this. Radio, television, computers, cell phones. 101 years seems like a long time ago but it really isn't.
In an open field here in Greenwich, CT. Before that shack was used for the event, it was Minton Cronkhite’s (1BCG) little sister’s playhouse where her dolls were kept. That all changed when it got out that the scruffy radio friends were planning to build some kind of electrical thing that used thousands of Volts to send short wave signals around the world. “You’re not bringing those dangerous wires and all that in this house!” declared Minton’s mother. “Well where else can we set up our transmitter?” asked the boys. Shortly thereafter, Minton’s sister was in tears as discussions began on clearing out the dolls and dragging the shack out to the middle of a field. By the way, here’s a look at the inside after the boys finished redecorating:
Thanks a lot for all the information! That was really helpful. Where did you get all of this information?
YEARS of research since getting the n1BCG call. Besides, I live near that site so it’s of local interest as well.
By closely examining the picture I think that Armstrong in the 5th peraon and not the 4th one. Can anyone find a clearer picture?
Not correct. The February 1922 issue of QST, page 33, also shows Edwin Armstrong as the fourth person from the left. Minton Cronkhite is the fifth person from the left: You can see the article and the entire issue here:
How do you know it's not? Every picture I have seen of the operators together and individually supports this.