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160-80M DIGI FEST on Mondays

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by RK3DSW, Dec 17, 2018.

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  1. RK3DSW

    RK3DSW Ham Member QRZ Page

    RDRC invites fans of digital radio every Monday in a Year to meet and spend with us 160-80M DIGI FEST. We offer this activity from 17:00 to 19:00 UTC. We recommend using HF bands 80 and 160 meters, depending on the propagation on them. 160-80M DIGI FEST is not a Contest, you do not need to send reports. Along with other days of activity organized by the RDRC during the year, this event will contribute to meeting the conditions of the annual diploma «Master of Amateur Digital Radio Communication» and will help applicants to obtain the required amount of QSOs in rarely used digital modes for awards «RDRC HAMLOG DIGI Activity».

    The evening of each Monday is planned to conduct activity in one or two modes, which at the moment will be one of the most popular in the «Rating RDRC», determined on the basis of downloaded logs of club members on the site

    The schedule will specify those digital modes, which we recommend to work on the coming Monday. It is advisable to agree on QSOs in any other digital modes not listed in the schedule. We recommend to work short QSOs with the following minimum information exchange: RSQ, name, locator. For live messages, we suggest using the chat on the RDRC forum

    Preliminary activity plan on Mondays in December 2018:
    17 December - SIM31, SIM63 1839, 3596
    24 December - Feld Hell 1840-1843, 3582-3588
    31 December - SSTV M2 1890 1 2 , 3730

    Nothing can be better than a Monday evening, held in a good campaign. See you on the air, 73!


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