The 12 Days of QRZ has begun and I encourage everyone to confirm each and every contact via the worlds number one ham radio data base. It takes seconds to confirm once you sign up for a FREE QRZ Log Book. Make this contest your catalyst to begin logging and confirming your contacts online. QRZ Awards stimulate activity and allow you to strive for multiple awards on a daily basis. Enjoy The 12 Days of QRZ and keep Ham Radio Alive and Well. Hope To Catch On The Bands 7 3
I hear that. I’ve had no confirmations yet for December! The confirmation rate for my QSLs has now fallen below 20%!
I understand completely as my results on QRZ LOGBOOK as a whole are only 40% To me there is no explanation with the exception of Africa where only a few countries confirm due to legitimate reasons. As we say "It is what it is" I hope to work you and others as I log in every contact and confirm via QRZ and EQSL. N3WVB
I hope to work you as well, especially as our calls are very similar! I’m usually on 10m mobile during the week. When 6 opens, I am there too!
I did have 4 confirms in one day, but only got 1 credit. The Event is 3 months long, ending Feb 28, 2024. So any confirm from anywhere via counts.
Thanks to syncing with LoTW, my QRZ Logbook confirmation rate is 58.591% with 46,090 QSOs in the log.
You get credit for one day for all confirmed contacts made on one day but you get endorsements for a confirmation on each band made every day. So to get award you count the number of days with confirmations. Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy N3WVB
Or, if you don't mind, to put it a tad more clearly so folks fully understand: You will get a "band endorsement" for every band on which you have made 12 contacts during the entire run of the event (Through the end of February). They do NOT have to be "12 consecutive days" - just 12 days per band during the run = "band endorsement" And you get the award once you've had at least ONE contact a day, for 12 days - but they don't have to be consecutive. It's a VERY easy award to earn and lots of fun - part of the idea is to encourage creativity to work new bands and try to get 12 confirmations (each on a different day, but it can be the same person!) for the more elusive band endorsements. So you can work it from "super simple" (just get the banner) to "super involved" (band endorsements on every single band It's truly one of the most unique awards out there and lots of fun Dave W7UUU
I’m finding that U.S. hams are less like to confirm than DX stations. To clarify, I mean domestic state to state contacts.
I get confirms from POTA's and the newbie working on WAS. As to the Best Band? The Rolling Stone!! Ain't Got No Satisfaction. (till you confirm!)
Got mine last year. Stick with it and log them all. Sometimes you have to ask. My self working on getting W A S on ten meters and the state the closest are the hardest ones. If I work you I will log you
What surprises me the most are the number of Hams who say they didn't realize that QRZ had a free log book available to them. Ofcourse others state they prefer paper logs , no logs, and etc. It may be just me but the lower bands seem to be the most difficult . Getting confirmation on Top Band , 80 or 60 is like pulling teeth at times. All we can do is persevere. Hope to catch you on the bands. N3WVB
Well it took 18 Days Instead of the 12 Days I was hoping for But Nonetheless I have my Award Wishing everyone Good Luck in obtaining theirs Now I am looking to accumulate Endorsements on Individual Bands 12 Days of QRZ (2023)#2696 Granted: 2023-12-18 14:12:07 (N3WVB) Hoping to do better than last years totals Time will tell 12 Days of QRZ (2022)#1814 Granted: 2022-12-16 15:39:27 (N3WVB) Endorsements: 5 Band Mixed 10M Mixed 12M Mixed 15M Mixed 17M Mixed 20M Mixed 40M Mixed 60M Mixed Hoping to LOG you in on ALL BANDS 7 3