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100 Watts and a Wire Podcast - Episode 12

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by WY7YL, Sep 22, 2015.

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  1. WY7YL

    WY7YL Ham Member QRZ Page

    This week's episode of 100Watts and a Wire: Last Man, ARN and Rte 66 covers Christian, K0STH's debut on Amateur Radio Newsline as well as an in-depth story from Katie, WY7YL's visit to the set of ABC's television show "Last Man Standing" and operating from the television studio set.

    We invite you to listen to the podcast here:

    For a photo album from Katie's visit to Last Man Standing:

    100 Watts and a Wire is a podcast celebrating amateur radio through the eyes of a 'new' ham. The show features topical conversation and interviews, news and an entertaining look at the adventures of a ham trying to figure it all out. Join Emmy winner Christian Cudnik, KØSTH and Katie Allen, WY7YL for an inside a look at the world of amateur radio.

    Whether you run 5 watts or 1500 watts, everyone is welcome!

    • 100 Watts and a Wire: Calling frequencies are 14287 and 7180. [+ or -]
    • 100 Watts and a Wire NET is Thursday at 8p Central [01:00 UTC]

    Visit for more information.
    K9PLG, WM9F, KM4FLJ and 3 others like this.
  2. N7CPM

    N7CPM Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Can't wait to check it out! I'll be enjoying the podcast on my commute home today. Thanks for what you do, guys!
    WY7YL likes this.
  3. WY7YL

    WY7YL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks Chris - your support is greatly appreciated!!
    N7CPM likes this.
  4. VU3NGX

    VU3NGX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks Chris - your support is greatly appreciated!! om shanti bkchandu india
  5. KF5RHI

    KF5RHI Ham Member QRZ Page

    I LOVE listening to Katey and that guy that's on there...jk, Christian! Feel the love, y'all!

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