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100 Watts and a Wire: Episode 18 is Posted

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K0STH, Nov 12, 2015.

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  1. K0STH

    K0STH Ham Member QRZ Page

    On this episode, we address a heated thread on the Facebook concerning offensive behavior on the bands. A follow up to the National Parks on the Air show, and we're helping to give away a radio!

    Podcast Links: iTunes:
    Facebook Group
    Twitter: @100wandawire

    Calling Frequencies: 14.287 and 7.180 [+OR-]
    100WAAW NET is
    on 7.180 every
    Thursday at [02:00 UTC], 8p Central
    KK4CJ, K4NDN and WY7YL like this.
  2. N8COA

    N8COA Ham Member QRZ Page

    We need more adult behavior and understand that your license is a privilege not a right
    K0STH likes this.
  3. K4NDN

    K4NDN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great podcast, working to help others is a terrific effort, you have my applause for this!
    K0STH likes this.

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