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100 Watts and a Wire: Episode 17 is posted!

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K0STH, Nov 2, 2015.

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  1. K0STH

    K0STH Ham Member QRZ Page

    On this episode, ARRL Media PR Manager Sean, KX9X joins us this week to breakdown National Parks on the Air; Christian comes up with a new method of dealing with QRM; and more...

    Podcast Links: iTunes:
    Facebook Group
    Twitter: @100wandawire

    Calling Frequencies: 14.287 and 7.180 [+OR-]
    100WAAW NET is
    on 7.180 every
    Thursday at [01:00 UTC], 8p Central
    KK4CJ, K4NDN, K9WKD and 2 others like this.
  2. W0DJW

    W0DJW Ham Member QRZ Page

    love this show and this episode is AWESOME !! its like the big 100WAAW family. you guys just bring all your listeners into your life each week.
    KK4CJ and K0STH like this.
  3. WN1MB

    WN1MB Ham Member QRZ Page

    "What's my call sign sound like on CW?"

  4. K0STH

    K0STH Ham Member QRZ Page

    WN1MB, we couldn't all be cowboys. I'll be taking lessons soon. But, thanks for listening. Sigh...

    WY7YL likes this.
  5. K4FNG

    K4FNG Ham Member QRZ Page

    love the show, so far its the only interest my xly has shown in ham radio.
    keep up the good work
    K0STH and WY7YL like this.
  6. N7CPM

    N7CPM Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Always great to listen! Thanks guys!
    K0STH and WY7YL like this.
  7. WY7YL

    WY7YL Ham Member QRZ Page

    The purpose of this program and the supporting Social Media outlets is to create a safe space for hams of all experience levels to feel comfortable asking questions and getting feedback without judgment or condemnation. No one was born with the ability to decode CW or know how to build an antenna, etc. We will keep the hobby and service alive by helping each other grow in our knowledge and experience. Is our podcast for everyone? No, of course not. But we appreciate everyone that has found a home with us - even when they don't dig a particular episode!
    K0STH and N7CPM like this.
  8. K4NDN

    K4NDN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great info on parks, I reside 5 miles from Shenandoah National Park and I look forward to a lot of activity doing this! Great podcast as always!
    WY7YL likes this.
  9. K3TEF

    K3TEF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Not everyone allows the hobby to be defined by one mode. **news flash** In 2015 ham radio is more than just cw.

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