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100 Watts and a Wire: Episode 15 is posted!

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K0STH, Oct 12, 2015.

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  1. K0STH

    K0STH Ham Member QRZ Page

    On this episode, a deep analysis of Katie's "Net Nightmare". Also, Christian accepts a non double bazooka antenna to try on 160 called, "The Fatboy". And the show and net go on hiatus.



    Podcast Links: iTunes:
    Facebook Group
    Twitter: @100wandawire
    Calling Frequencies: 14.287 and 7.180 [+OR-]
    100WAAW NET is on 7.180 every Thursday at [01:00 UTC], 8p Central
    KK4CJ, K9PLG, K9WKD and 1 other person like this.
  2. N7CPM

    N7CPM Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Another good one, guys! I started cracking up a couple of times. Maybe listening at work isn't the best idea, my coworkers are going to think I'm crazy ;) Keep up the good work, Christian and Katie!!
    WY7YL likes this.
  3. K6FNI

    K6FNI Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hi Christian, hope you liked the T-shirt suggestion prompted by the last show. Haw, Haw.

    Robert, K6FNI
    WY7YL likes this.
  4. KD8ZUW

    KD8ZUW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Love the podcast, and the growing FB page is a lot of fun, too!
    WY7YL likes this.
  5. KO0KY

    KO0KY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks for all your efforts, they are appreciated!
    WY7YL likes this.
  6. KE4CQ

    KE4CQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Followed by the new series "5kw and a coat hanger"!
    WY7YL and K9PLG like this.
  7. KF5RHI

    KF5RHI Ham Member QRZ Page

    If either of y'all needs an Antenna Caddy, I'm your man! I only fly first class though. :)
    WY7YL likes this.

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