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“Multi-Club Field Day” With Fireworks By Pyrotechnic. Special Event K3F - GOTA K3HRC

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by K3WS, Jun 21, 2012.

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  1. K3WS

    K3WS Ham Member QRZ Page

    “Multi-Club Field Day”

    With Fireworks By Pyrotechnic Artists, Inc. Saturday Night about 10PM

    Sample of the QSL Card you can receive is located at / field day page
    Thanks to WB3JSW

    How to obtain a custom made QSL Card for this event.
    GOTA Station K3HRC led by Chris KA3JIB :eek:
    Other operators may operate and Chris will keep a log.
    For a special QSL card please send your SASE to:
    Field Day QSL 513 Kerr Avenue Patton, PA 16668


    K3F Special Event Station Lead By Fred Raco N3JCV :cool:
    Other operators may operate and Fred will keep a log.
    For a special QSL card please send your SASE to:
    Field Day QSL 212 Sunapee Drive Johnstown, 15904

    QSL Card and Event T-Shirt design by Dave WB3JSW

    Follow our operating frequencies on our face book page. Link at

    The Cambria Radio Club and the Horseshoe Amateur Radio Club will be testing emergency communications from 2 PM EST June 23rd to 5 PM EST June 24th, 2012. Open to the public at 11:30 with a Hot Dog lunch from Noon - 1PM.

    For 2012, the newly formed Cambria Radio Club in Johnstown, has joined forces with the Horseshoe Amateur Radio Club in Altoona to create a “Multi-Club Field Day”.

    The CRC and HARC members believe this would be a great opportunity for the community to come see how amateur radio works. Individuals will be able to learn some important skills for emergency situations and have the opportunity to earn their amateur radio license. (FREE VE TEST SESSION*)

    *Interested individuals must sign up for FREE VE Test Session by clicking this Test Session Link or copy and past this URL into your Internet browser

    Please sign up before June 15, 2012. Remebmer you must bring two valid forms of ID. Please email any questions you have on the test session to

    ===== revised June 19, 2012 ======

    Cambria Radio Club and Horseshoe Amateur Radio Club

    Multi-Club Field day 2012 Planning Schedule

    Other Clubs Invited To Participate

    New Germany Grove Hall
    1635 New Germany Road
    Summerhill, PA 15958

    Call Signs

    WA3WGN – CRC

    W3QZF – HARC

    K3F – Special Event

    GOTA - K3HRC

    Friday June 22

    4:00 pm - 10:00 pm
    RV and diehard camper move in and radio setup for those not keeping score

    Set-up Wireless Internet Provided By In The Stix Broadband

    Possibly Light a little fire…

    On your own for Dinner

    Saturday June 23

    7:00 am Coffee for the HAMS by team HARC

    8:00 am Light Breakfast / snack for the few hams already on site.

    Open Radio Operations

    Field Day Site-to-Site pre-contacts

    EMA, Fire, Police, communications trailer setup if they are able to break away

    12:00 Noon

    Field Day Site opens to the public.

    12:00 Noon – 1:00 pm free hot dog lunch by HARC and CRC Radio Clubs served by. N3SSD, KB3VTX, and others as willing or needed.

    1:00 pm activity for kids… (playground area) children supervised by parent or guardian.

    2:00 pm Start of official Multi-Club Field day 2012 contacting for those keeping score.

    Post operating frequencies on face book page and discuss on air.Someone needed to run live active face book posting station.Elaine??? Hint, hint…

    3:30pmFree VE Test Session Pre-Registration led by N3XCC In the Main Building.

    4:00 pm FREE VE Test Session Led by N3XCC
    One round until complete with upgrades optional based on time. VE Test Lead to make the call. VE’s please let Scott know ASAP if you can help

    6:00 pm Dinner for the HAMS

    This dinner is for radio operators, club members, and their guests / children. It is a pot luck for the all the side dishes and desserts but HARC will be providing the main meat.

    HARC will be ordering Chicken from Wal-Mart both trays of planks and the fried chicken legs and breasts pieces. We will need all of the side dishes provided by those of you attending. Please provide a side dish or dessert if you are attending this dinner. N3VRN is willing to coordinate this if people want to let her know what you are bringing ( ) You are also welcome to provide other main courses if you like.

    HARC will also provide sodas, Ice tea, water & bags of ice. Also need everyone to bring cookies and snacks.

    7:00 pm TENTATIVE Wan-RS Core Member Meeting held in the main building.This will be a private WAN-RS Core Member Meeting taking advantage of the group all being in one place.

    Radio Operations and Coffee through the night …

    9:30 pm – 10:00 pm Fireworks Begin and this event is open to the public. We will need a few volunteers to secure shoot area during setup, through cool-down /20 minutes after shoot ends. Also need all to help in large debris cleanup and pickup trucks to take to burn spent shells in campfire. Mike N3SSD is Lead Shooter for this event provided by Pyrotechnic Artists, Inc. c/o Howard Fry President and CRC Club Member

    10:30 pm Possible Camp Fire by N3JCV (Any one staying bring your smore ingredients and mountain pie makers and fixins)

    Radio operations through the night

    11:30 pm General public to depart ( Site Secure For Attending Hams Only )

    Sunday June 24

    NOTE: Church Services at 7:00 am and 9:00 am across street, 8:00 am and 10:00 am at Summerhill down the road 5-6 miles all are welcome.

    5:00 am Radio Operations

    8:00 am Breakfast for Operators by KA3VXR and N3VRN and others. Eggs-Sausage- Cheese Mix up/ pancakes/ fruit/toast/ OJ/ Donuts

    12:00Lunch Leftovers from Saturday as done in the past.

    5:00 pm Event Closed 73 Everyone Please clean up as you leave…


    HARC/ N3VRN has picked up plates, silverware, cups(cold and hot), napkins and three cases of water so far and will be getting soda and iced teas later in the week. They have an Orange (construction style) jug that we will keep filled with lemonade and such throughout the weekend.

    PS: We will have custom multi-club field day shirts and a very low cost, free QSL Cards, and small personal event cards available.

    PSS: A special thank you to the field day team that is making all of this possible. You are the best and the reason we are going to have a very fun event. Thank you!!! Tom - K3WS

    Cambria Radio Club
    146.940 PL 123 WA3WGN
    AllStar Accessible using Node 27245
    Johnstown, Cambria County PA
    Mailing Address PO Box 53
    Mineral Point, PA 15942

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