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«Digital QSO Long Distance» awards programm

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by RK3DSW, Sep 12, 2019.

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  1. RK3DSW

    RK3DSW Ham Member QRZ Page

    The diplomas «Digital QSO Long Distance award» was established by the Russian Digital Radio Club in order to encourage radio amateurs for active work on the air with 100 radio fans of the world on distances over 10 000 kilometers by 17 modes of digital radio communication CONTESTIA, DOMINO, FT8, HELL, JT65, JT9, MFSK, MT63, OLIVIA, PSK, ROS, RTTY, SIM, SSTV, T10, THOR, THROB.

    Diplomas are issued only to hams registered on
    free of charge electronically on the basis of adif-files of the Logbooks uploaded to this service. Dupe QSOs are counted on different HF bands and different digital modes on the same band. Call signs with identifiers (/ p, / m, / mm, / am, / qrp, / 6, etc.) of the same radio amateur are counted as different call signs. One of the 16 diplomas is issued only to SWL operators.

    The crediting of QSOs (SWLs) for diplomas begins on the date of formation of the Russian Digital Amateur Radio Club on March 21, 2014.

    Prior to the publication of diplomas on, they are issued on the basis of traditional applications. These diplomas with the saved numbering are issued again on after the start of the work of this diploma program on the specified site.

    Each of the 16 diplomas "Digital QSO Long Distance awards" is an independent diploma and applicants can perform them in any order:
    - "Digital QSO Long Distance award" for QSOs on any bands and any of 17 digital modes;
    - "FT8 QSO Long Distance award" for QSOs on any bands with digital mode FT8;
    - "JT65 QSO Long Distance award" for QSOs on any bands with digital mode JT65;
    - "JT9 QSO Long Distance award" JT9; for QSOs on any bands with digital mode
    - "PSK QSO Long Distance award" for QSOs on any bands with digital mode PSK;
    - "RTTY QSO Long Distance award" for QSOs on any bands with digital mode RTTY;
    - "Digital QSO Long Distance 160M award" for QSOs on 160m band with any of 17 digital modes;
    - "Digital QSO Long Distance 80M award" on 80m band with any of 17 digital modes;
    - "Digital QSO Long Distance 40M award" on 40m band with any of 17 digital modes;
    - "Digital QSO Long Distance 30M award" on 30m band with any of 17 digital modes;
    - "Digital QSO Long Distance 20M award" on 20m band with any of 17 digital modes;
    - "Digital QSO Long Distance 17M award" on 17m band with any of 17 digital modes;
    - "Digital QSO Long Distance 15M award" on 15m band with any of 17 digital modes;
    - "Digital QSO Long Distance 12M award" on 12m band with any of 17 digital modes;
    - "Digital QSO Long Distance 10M award" on 10m band with any of 17 digital modes;
    - "Digital QSO Long Distance SWL award" for abservation for any bands with any of 17 digital modes.



    During each calendar year, the RDRC organizes several days of activity by all the above modes of digital radio communications, as well as four contests. Detailed schedule and provisions of these events are published on the club's website

    We invite all radio amateurs to take an active part in the events organized by the Russian Digital Radio Club, 73!


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