It was a fun activation including at 4,800 mile DX contact, unfortunately I forgot my main camera so you'll have to settle with the back up...
Went out to do a POTA last week from Iowa largest lake, Lake Red Rock. While the Lake itself is not a POTA destination Elk Rock State Park along...
Trying to get this Kilo wrapped up is going into the colder months and on this video it was a little chilly out there. [MEDIA]
Join me as I explain from my perspective the big picture when it comes to Skywarn and ARES [MEDIA]
It was a good day out at the park working on that Kilo but using an NVIS antenna instead of the WRC. [MEDIA]
Here is the recording I did of the Iowa Simulated Emergency Test. For those of you who do not know I am the Emergency Coordinator in Jasper...
Thinking about getting an AnyTone 578 UVIII Pro? Do you know who you would buy it from? Don't buy until you watch! [MEDIA]