Radio Amateurs members of the Amateur Radio Association of Phetchaburi, HS7AP will be active as HS7AP/P from Chang Island, IOTA AS - 125, 29 July...
Radio Amateurs members of the Englewood Amateur Radio Society, N4EAR will be active from Gasparilla Island, IOTA NA - 069, Florida, USA. 29 - 30...
Benny Cahyo, YB1RET/4 will be active from Rakata (Krakatau) Island, IOTA OC - 262, Indonesia, 14 - 15 January 2022....
YE1AR/6, YB6ABO/P, YC1BIQ/6, YD0AVE/6 will be active from Rondo Island, IOTA OC - 245, Indonesia, 20 - 27 January 2022....
YB1TDL/4 and YC1RQZ/4 will be active from Rakata (Krakatau) Island, IOTA OC - 262, Indonesia, 15 - 20 January 2022....
H94IE Team will be active from Isla Escudo, IOTA NA - 088, Panama, 4, 5, 6 February 2022....
Agus, YB1TDL will be active as YB1TDL/8 from Sara'a Island, Talaud Islands, IOTA OC - 209, Indonesia, starting 18 December 2021....
ZY6A will be active from Friars Island, IOTA SA - 023, Brazil, 20 - 23 January 2022.
Felipe, PU2OYT will be active as PU2OYT/P from Algodao Island, IOTA SA - 029, Brazil, 23 - 24 December 2021....
E20AX/P Team will be active from Chang Island, IOTA AS - 125, Thailand, 18 - 20 December 2021....
RI1PP Team will be active from Mestnyy Island, IOTA EU - 086, Russia, during 1 - 2 Day in the second half of the January 2022....
Vlad, OK2WX will be active as 5H3WX from Zanzibar Island, IOTA AF - 032, Tanzania, 8 November - 6 December 2021. [ATTACH]
C5B Team will be active from Bijol Islands, IOTA AF - 060, Gambia, 10 November 2021. [ATTACH]
TO6S Team will be active from Terre de Haut, Iles des Saintes, IOTA NA - 114, Guadeloupe, 20 January - 1 February 2021.
5T1GM and 5T5PA/P will be active from Arguin Island, IOTA AF - 050, 15 - 19 October 2021. [ATTACH]
Rod, YJ8RN, will be active as YJ8RN/P from Marae Village, Emae Island, Shepherd Islands, IOTA OC - 111, Vanuatu, 24 - 26 July 2021....
Ed, ES2TT will be active as ES2TT/1 from Aegna Island, IOTA EU - 149, Estonia, during end of July or early August 2021....
4X100AI Team will be active from Achziv Islands, IOTA AS - 100, Israel in RSGB IOTA Contest, 24 - 25 July 2021....
7I1S Team will be active from Sangiang Island, (Pulau Sangiang), IOTA OC - 237, Java Coastal Islands, 2 - 4 July 2021....
A44M. A43MI Team will be active from Masirah Island, IOTA AS - 014, in RSGB IOTA Contest, 24 - 25 July 2021 as A44M....