This is the forum discussion for Issue #34, linked here, which features a guest column by Ria Jairam (N2RJ) on the topic of threats to our...
An update, CGR NWAIS Radio and with permission from ARRL has added more podcasts and Radio Psa's this is to promote the fine points and benefits...
I emailed the message below to the ARRL for inclusion in their Letters column. There was no reply or "hint" that the message was received......
I have my opinion on ARRL asking FCC to grant more HF privileges to Technician-class licensees. I verbalize them in this video: [IMG] After...
As the first 2018 ARRL Board of Directors meeting approaches (Jan 19-20) several large League affiliated regional radio clubs, from all across the...
Quoted from the Second Century statement by ARRL CEO Tom Gallagher NY2RF in the September 2017 QST titled "Official Observers: Something’s...
On this episode, Christian visits with the Public Information Officer of the St. Louis Metro Amateur Radio Emergency Service [ARES] to discuss the...