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New video: ‘Introducing the IC-705 QRP SDR transceiver’

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by G4TUT/SK2022, Jul 18, 2020.

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  1. G4TUT/SK2022

    G4TUT/SK2022 Ham Member QRZ Page

    New video: ‘Introducing the IC-705 QRP SDR transceiver’

    With the release of the much-anticipated IC-705 QRP SDR transceiver just around the corner, Icom UK have managed to get hold of a pre-production sample and give to Bob McCreadie G0FGX of TX Films to put it through its paces. He produced a video with his thoughts and reactions.

    In the video Bob…

    - Goes through a rundown of the IC-705’s many features and picks up on how simple and intuitive the IC-705 is to use.
    - Demonstrates the compact and lightweight body of the IC-705 and the flexibility of its power supply.
    - Shows the multiband capability of the radio…literally a ‘shack in a box’.
    - Highlights its impressive, bright and intuitive 4.3″ colour touch screen display as used on other Icom SDR radios like the market leading IC-7300 and IC-9700 models.
    - Gives us a sneak peek of the LC-192 Backpack designed especially for this radio looks like.

    View the video

    For more details about the IC-705 visit the ‘IC-705 Product Page’ .

    For more information about TX Films and their regular programme dedicated to the great hobby of Amateur Radio visit

    KK4CUL, WW2PT, KK6ZHJ and 3 others like this.
  2. K3FHP

    K3FHP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Icon site states three hour operation on battery but no current use tx.specs for Rx or
  3. KE0EYJ

    KE0EYJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Honestly HATE what they've done with the TPB tuning. I used that constantly on my 7300. As they have made it on this radio, they have made it far less comfortable to use.

    Fail in that respect.

    Seen at 6:50.
  4. AC0GT

    AC0GT Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is the kind of radio that the next generation Amateur will be expecting. They are accustomed to touch screen interfaces, charge by USB, internet connections, GPS included, SD cards for storing and exchanging data, and being a small light all in one device.

    What bothers me is that they are using that oh so annoying micro-B port for USB. Would it have been that hard to use USB-C instead?

    What new Amateurs might expect is a microphone/headset/speaker/whatever connection that is the same as that used on laptops and cell phones, a TRRS plug. Or perhaps a USB-C port that supports both digital and analog headsets like on many cell phones and laptops.

    If there isn't an iPhone and Android app already to make this radio do some interesting things then I can expect them to come soon.
    AK5B and W2CQ like this.
  5. KE0EYJ

    KE0EYJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Wouldn't it be something if Yaesu suddenly released a competing product with some of these features, and started to get it into peoples hands at about the same time?
    N6HI, AK5B, W9WQA and 2 others like this.
  6. K8HIT

    K8HIT Ham Member QRZ Page

    No way, they just released the FT3DR last summer and kept that archaic menu system with a poorly designed color display (Who uses gray in a color display? Who uses thin red lines for males over 40 YOA? Yaesu, that's who). They need a product line overhaul or Icom will own the market.
  7. NX1Q

    NX1Q XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    You have some points, however Yaesu can be credited with using C4FM, making the Wires X experience a good one...once you have friends to walk with you through the learning curve...and making the PDN features top notch.
  8. KE0EYJ

    KE0EYJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    It would be even more exciting if Kenwood did so, but the likelihood is that I'll be retired before they ever do.

    We could see the Chinese do it, however. Icom had better not wait too long.
    AB6RF likes this.
  9. KK6ZHJ

    KK6ZHJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Kenwood? Now I want a QRP radio with a built-in TNC allowing remote HT control.
  10. DL4QB

    DL4QB QRZ Lifetime Member #719 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Yaesu..brrr..had serveral Yaesu´s already here and getting frustrated with their menu structure. Never ever, all Yaesu´s now sold.
    The only one what is kind of modern, was the FTM 400XD. But no one on C4FM here. Just a less to keep it.

    D-Star is (who would have guessed it) very well used already. Also i have a lot of repeaters here. This might be a "drive" because of the good selling rate of the Icom 9700 and the 705 will bring a further push. Never thought that D-Star is really well working with a lot of users (in my area).

    73 Andre!
  11. AB6RF

    AB6RF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Amen! I was playing with the FT101DX at the local ham radio store, and the menu items on that screen were damn near impossible to read with my 50yo eyes. Thin red font on a gray background! I could not come up with a harder to see text even if I tried.
    I’d hate to put on reading glasses every time (I don’t usually need them) just to read the screen of my HF rig.
    AK5B likes this.
  12. KC3MIO

    KC3MIO XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I was on line to buy one, but got tired of waiting and bought a Xiegu G90 which I enjoy very much. After watching the video, my impression is that the 705 is a very sophisticated rig that is missing some key features: power and an antenna tuner. No doubt you can add these, but then you get more weight and cost. I have a 7300 and the 705 would be easy to use, but I would be inclined to buy an Elecraft KX2/3 if I wanted a more expensive rig. When the 705 finally gets out there, I’ll be interested in the reviews and comments.
    WA3TVH likes this.
  13. KE8WO

    KE8WO Ham Member QRZ Page

    It would be interesting if Kenwood or Yaesu would buy Xiegu or license the Xiegu products and put their name on them. Instant presence in this market space at potentially much more competitive price points.
  14. K7LZR

    K7LZR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    IMO the Xiegu G90 is a better radio and much less expensive than the IC-705 from what I've see so far. And built more rugged to boot!
    M0TTQ and W0FW like this.
  15. DL4QB

    DL4QB QRZ Lifetime Member #719 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    If you want SW only maybe yes, but no Bluetooth, Wifi (no cable connections needed) and i guess more important no VHF / UHF with additional D-Star. If you would like to have SW only, i guess the G90 is more than enough.

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