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Icom IC-9700 - First Impression

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by M1MRB, Jan 20, 2019.

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  1. K6CLS

    K6CLS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Not true at all..
    G8HGN and AK5B like this.
  2. N6JSX

    N6JSX XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    For this price it is s dud before hitting the USA (except for the few eccentric HAMs).
    1. Only three bands, hard wired - no 4th band expansion for 6m/220/900/2.4/5.6 module.
    2. No keyboard direct entry - also means no DTMF unless on mic (unlikely standard issue).
    3. No direct QWERTY keyboard port to allow easier D-Star data input.
    4. Waterfall is darn small - will display echo to VGA port - no.
    5. Hope D-Star is on a card so when C4FM card comes it can be an easy swap. Better yet make D-Star an option not standard (reduce 9700 costs minus the D-Star proprietary chip).
    6. Multiple antenna connections/selections? Two for each band - vertical/horizontal or SAT. Or build-in switchable 12VDC Antenna feed to power an optional mast mount switch or LNA.

    Even if priced at $1K I doubt I would be interested with all these limitations and lack of flexibility. The +30yr old Ft-736 was more flexible. Someday the big four are going to talk to USA HAMs (the largest market in the world) and find out what we really want before stuffing it down our throats. But Icom has a history of screw-up like dropping IC-7000 for the IC-7100 - display/control-head mistake that took it out of being a viable mobile!
    N2SLO likes this.
  3. W5PFG

    W5PFG Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yes, you're probably right. Poor Icom. If they'd only included a "pat yourself on the back device," they would have sold more of the IC-9700. They should have called us all on the forums before going to market.

    K5TRI, WD4IGX, KO4MA and 1 other person like this.
  4. WB8LBZ/SK2023

    WB8LBZ/SK2023 Ham Member QRZ Page

    Wow, more hate for this radio. I guess I am one of the eccentric HAMs. Did you hate the 7300/7600/7610 too?
    1. Three bands is a good start. 6 Meters is served by something like the 7300/7600/7610 so its not needed in this box. 220/900 only US hams and in limited areas. Want 2.4/3.4/5.6 go with a transverter off the 440 port.
    2. Not an important feature for most
    3. Not an important feature, most don't do D-Star.
    4. You want a large waterfall go with a transverter from a Flex or Anan and put it on a 23 inch monitor.
    5. D-Star and C4FM on a card? Very small market for this.
    6. Most won't use this so why include it?

    This will be a barn burner of a radio. If you don't want to be road-kill stay on the sidelines. I sold my 7000 for a 7100. I have 3 7100s now and have used it mobile. Lots of stuff in that box. I have 2 hooked up in the shack right now. The big 4 won't ask US Hams what we want because we ask for silly stuff. Maybe the HDMI video out might fly but VGA? No, old standard.

    73, Larry WB8LBZ
    El Paso, TX
    AK5B, KC2FQ, WA1ZMS and 4 others like this.
  5. W5PFG

    W5PFG Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yep. People who want a VGA port probably desire a 5-pin DIN for the QWERTY keyboard, too!
    WD9EWK likes this.
  6. VA3VF

    VA3VF Ham Member QRZ Page

    Not only US hams, and not only in amateur radio.

    There are instances where user feedback is important, but user input is way overrated.

    Some users know what they need, but most don't. There is a lot of 'parroting' around.
    SE3X, AK5B, W5PFG and 1 other person like this.
  7. W4NNF

    W4NNF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    What? No.
  8. K3RLD

    K3RLD Ham Member QRZ Page

    When I worked for a juvenile products company 10 years ago, we used to do focus group research all the time. We'd bring product loaded with features, and ask the consumers "which features would be required for you to consider purchasing?"

    The invariable answer was "all of the features". It was like a broken record. The customer wants everything and is willing to pay for it all until the product hits the shelf, and then we hear "I'm not paying a premium for features I'll likely never need!!!"

    Unfortunately it frequently made it that far.... Hopefully Icom gets this one right (I think the price is the only thing to fiddle with, at this point).
    WU3U, AG5CK and WD9EWK like this.
  9. WB5MG

    WB5MG Ham Member QRZ Page

    not worth watching in my opiniion
  10. AF5CC

    AF5CC Ham Member QRZ Page

    222mhz is not for US only. It is a region 2 band, so all of North America and South America can and do use it. 222mhz is also authorized in Somalia, but I assume that is not a large market :)
  11. AF5CC

    AF5CC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Not unless it also covered 23cm, so it would need to be a triband transverter. Not many of them made today.

    73 John AF5CC
  12. YO8HMH

    YO8HMH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Kenwood is better than Icom by every standards.... don't waste your money and nerves on Icom
  13. K3RLD

    K3RLD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Where can I find a Kenwood V/U/L band all mode full duplex rig?

    No, not the "shack in a box" solution, either.....
    N9EAT, W5PFG, KA2CZU and 2 others like this.
  14. W4NNF

    W4NNF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    220 is not a large market, period, including in the U.S. ;)
  15. WB8LBZ/SK2023

    WB8LBZ/SK2023 Ham Member QRZ Page

    Here are the Kenwood SDR trancievers :_________________
    Here are the Icom SDR trancievers : 7300, 7610 and soon 9700.

    73, Larry WB8LBZ
    El Paso, TX

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