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HR2.0 Episode 138: Unboxing the TYT MD-UV380/390 Dual Band DMR HT

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KC5HWB, May 17, 2018.

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  1. KC5HWB

    KC5HWB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page
    TYT has released a new Dual Band DMR Radio in the form of their classic MD-380, which they have deemed the MD-UV380. It looks the same, feels the same, and acts nearly the same, except with updated firmware and features, and having both bands for DMR. Take a look at this video, and check for updates on the website:

    W9LRM, KA1JWM, W9JTC and 2 others like this.
  2. AA1PR

    AA1PR Ham Member QRZ Page

    I wonder if there is enough ram in these to do the md380tools firmware mod
    I dotn have enough patince to watch teh complete video
    but can we import the old md380 codeplugs
  3. AA3SO

    AA3SO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Nice Video Jason!
    KC5HWB likes this.
  4. KD5BVX

    KD5BVX Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Another helpful video for those interested in getting one (or more) of these radios!
  5. BI8DGQ

    BI8DGQ Ham Member QRZ Page

  6. W5JCK

    W5JCK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Videos which basically show an unboxing of an electronic item and little more seem to be extremely popular these days, possibly a stupid millennial thing, and they waste several minutes of time. It would be easy to spread all the pieces out on a table with the box prior to starting the video, quickly pan over them, quickly list them vocally or with text, then move on to how the item performs, its build quality, etc. The bigger question to me though is why all the darn DMR radio videos. DMR seems interesting at first, but soon you realize it is just a chat room via radio connection to the internet, and you hear the same few people every day calling CQ from around the globe. It gets old really quickly. I still prefer SSB on HF, but I guess the new crop techs who only learn the answers to the exam rather learn the hobby will never get off their backsides and qualify for SSB HF, much less know how to do it.
    K5TGS and K2NED like this.
  7. KD5BVX

    KD5BVX Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    So...essentially like what Jason did here in this video...some he did pull out of the box but it wasn't just a "here's the power cord...antenna..." but a "here's the radio and stuff, now let's look at the software and how it and the radio functions."
    W5CCP and KC5HWB like this.
  8. KC5HWB

    KC5HWB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Unboxing videos always bring-on comments which are across the board.

    Because this hobby has aspects for everyone. To me, listening to the 14.313 crowd gets much older than listening to DMR. But I do enjoy a good DXpedition, which I have done twice to Costa Rica, and produced a video for those trips also.
    W5BT, AG5DB, KN4MPC and 1 other person like this.
  9. AI6AK

    AI6AK Ham Member QRZ Page

    I actually enjoy watching most of his videos. While some topics are stuff I'm not in to I try to be open-minded and usually learn something new. I think they are quite informative and like how they are explained in a casual manner. To each their own.
    KD5BVX likes this.
  10. KD5BVX

    KD5BVX Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    And what a sad, sorry attitude to have... let's not be for expanding the hobby at all. Only people "good enough" should be allowed. *eyeroll*
  11. K6MTS

    K6MTS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Concur. I've come across a hell of a lot more Jackhole, Diva Extras and Advanced operators than the allegedly unmotivated or incompetent Techs.
    KG5JQH likes this.
  12. AB0L

    AB0L Ham Member QRZ Page

    Posted this MD-UV380 mini-review on Jason's FB page but it's probably worthwhile here too...

    Week and some change in, I'm generally happy with my MD-UV380. Dumping the stock antenna for a Signal Stick made a significant improvement in reception. Battery is making it through the day but it's pretty much toast by bedtime. Good receive reports on DMR and analog. There does seem to be some confusion out there about UHF/VHF and the two channels. It's a true dual channel monitor. Channels are not tied to a band. You can monitor U/U, V/V, U/V. V/U, whatever you like. The current firmware is promiscuous only. You'll hear ALL DMR traffic on the timeslot regardless of the talk group selected. I have had a couple instances where keying up to activate a talk group on a local repeater leads to the radio getting stuck in TX. Only way to get it to stop is to power off. Volume is a hot mess. Radio is too loud at 1 for my tastes, and at 1, it totally mutes DMR traffic but not analog. I wish the volume knob was tied to the actual audio amp and not digitally interpreted by the CPU.
    KD5BVX likes this.
  13. K4AGO

    K4AGO Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have never needed any help unboxing a radio. But maybe you do...
  14. K4AGO

    K4AGO Ham Member QRZ Page

    This post was MUCH MORE INTERESTING than the unboxing video. Thank you
  15. KD5BVX

    KD5BVX Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Haha cute. Guess you didn't watch the video, either. That is far from what he does. Maybe you need help learning how to watch YouTube instead of looking quite silly with your posts ;):D

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