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Lab599 Discovery TX-500 - A different perspective

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by OH8STN, Sep 30, 2020.

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  1. PA0MHS

    PA0MHS Ham Member QRZ Page

    No. The vibration and drop tests for this standard are for maritime applications. Most vibrations on a ship do not exceed 1G. There are IPC standards for this too. One of them, IPC-650, tests up to 25G though!
  2. W6UXB

    W6UXB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Replying to my own post, I have been looking at this radio a little deeper and as I only want the HF/6M availability it is looking like a real winner, incredibly sturdy, I think I would rather go for this than the 705 and a lot less expensive, will have to wait for a wide spread release
  3. N8DAH

    N8DAH XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I might have to get one to replace my mcHF v6. I always want to take my mcHF on hikes and camping but in order to do so the case to protect it is large and adds too much weight. This rig has been on my radar for over a year and happy that its about to release.

    I had a KX2 and honestly didn't like it. Things I felt a radio should have it didn't, even the mic was an add on, how the base radio doesn't come with a mic kills me (yes yes I know it has a crap one built in). I ended up trading it for a mcHF and some cash. After modding my mcHF and adding the internal tuner I paid under 500$ total for it vs 880$ with no tuner and an 80$ mic.

    To me at this point having owned the "big boy" toys from Elecraft, Kenwood, Icom and that other one I won't mention...I feel like we are starting to pay for names on radios and nothing more.

    I do own and love my 7300 but that's another story for another time.

    Good Vid keep it up
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2020
  4. W6UXB

    W6UXB Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am going for this radio, even though it uses the Prolific chip set for USB instead of the FTDI, and does not have an internal speaker (that might be a positive) it is nearly everything I have been looking for, throw the thing in a backpack with my WolfCoils SOTA antenna and a 12 AH Bienno battery, not forgetting the YouKits FG01 analyzer. Off I jolly well go ! 73 to y'all Geoff
  5. AJ6KZ

    AJ6KZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ugh. I didn't realize that. The TX-500 doesn't really hit my needs but I still think it's a cool radio. I was actually thinking about buying one until I found out it has relay switching. I got rid of my 7300 because that relay (I only do CW) eventually drove me nuts, even doing all the mitigations.
  6. AJ6KZ

    AJ6KZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm curious to know what it didn't have that you felt it should have. I could have sent you my mic. It's around here somewhere I think...
    WN1MB likes this.
  7. W9AC

    W9AC Subscriber QRZ Page

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  8. AJ6KZ

    AJ6KZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    That is great. I am happy to see that he is still doing testing.
  9. N8DAH

    N8DAH XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Easier to use audio interface, or built in audio isolation on the audio ports even a built in sound card it is the year 20xx.

    Easier to use menus with abbreviations I don't have to check the web or the manual to make sense of.

    For a price of 804$ base before taxes a MIC? Seems borderline greedy to offer a mic as a "option"

    Stock protections for the radio, as it is stock you even slightly drop it for more than a few inches its over. Even my stock mcHF I worry a lot about damage in the field. When Julian said the part about having a radio built for the field but is to delicate, it stuck me dead center as that's one of my concerns with all the other field radios I have had.

    List goes on really, I just didn't want to turn it into a Elecraft bash post. People love the KX2 and other Elecraft radios. That is fine with me I just don't feel I am getting the radio I should be for the price they are asking. In my honest opinion (and I don't like this brand almost ever) the FT-818 or 817 is way more bang for the buck when compared to a Kx2. The Kx3/2 does have a lot of "add ons" but it will cost you.

    When I look at a radio like the TX500, mcHF or kx2 I am not always looking for 999 features in the menu or fancy display. I am looking at price, how many cables do I need to use the radio, can I make said cables, does it have what I need built in, do I have to bring a bag of extras to make it do what I want.

    I don't hate Elecraft I just don't like what they offer for my wants/needs and I'll be honest any time I had a issues with my KX2 or a question the cold shoulder/attitude I got when asking said questions was the last straw for me.

    Some of this can and does apply to Kenwood as well as Icom too. The new Icom qrp rig feels like they just didn't get it, Kenwood hasn't made a qrp ever? When I asked Kenwood about issues with my new HT they said and I quote "Don't even ask I don't want to hear about it" when I asked if Kenwood would ever make a qrp rig they said and I quote "it has a power knob" referring to just turning the power down on a big rig. So it isn't just Elecraft that falls short for me and what I want out of a field radio.

  10. AJ6KZ

    AJ6KZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I seem to be the only person who doesn't treat my radio like it is a horseshoe. But fair enough.
  11. N8DAH

    N8DAH XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I don't either.

    Going on a 3+ day hike with everything I need to live on my back for over 20+miles every ounce counts. If I have to bring a pelican type case with me and a bag of add-ons its a no go. The reason I don't bring my radio is just that, I don't want to have to worry about it being mistreated accidentally or add pounds to my carry weight.
  12. KI4POT

    KI4POT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Definitely. Sometimes the labels don't even appear to be direct abbreviations of the function but some system code they decided was good enough.

    Agree, but then there are those who brag/complain about never using the mic that comes with their radio, so maybe Elecraft made this an option to appease those who don't want a mic? Rather than paying $60 for a traditional mic, I use a set of Sony stereo earbuds with built-in mic and a splitter cable. That seems to work well and is lighter

    Is it though? Based on comments earlier in this thread there isn't much to shock-proofing modern electronics. I don't think I've seen reports of anyone damaging their KX2 through incidental drops. I've owned the 817nd and now own a KX2 and the former, while heavier, isn't constructed anymore robustly inside.

    I do have the side rails and top cover, but I bought mine used and it came with those items. I tend to rely on the side rails more has handholds than protection (though the top cover is nice for containing the Sony ear buds when the radio is not in use).

    The 817/818 is a lot of radio for the money. The main reason I switched was to get a smaller, lighter package with an internal tuner and better receiver. Still, if someone was looking for a first QRP field rig, the 818 would be a strong suggestion. I'd leave the KX2 for folks who have a bit more experience and can articulate why they "need" it over other choices.

    That was why I bought my KX2. I got rid of a lot of stuff in my bag as a result. At the moment, my minimal station is the KX2 in a Lowepro CS40 pouch, the internal battery, a BNC-to-binding-post adapter, a 36' length of wire, and a 17' length of wire. That'll get me on the air 40-10 and allow me to operate for a few hours in the field. It fits in the large pocket of my Camelback Lobo and will not be noticed on a hike or trail run.

    I don't think a Pelican case is necessary unless you are tossing it around like gym equipment. If I were taking it in my pack for a multi-day hike, I would just put it in the CS40 pouch I mentioned above and make sure it isn't on the bottom of the pack where it would impact the ground if I set my pack down too hard. Otherwise, I wouldn't worry about it.

    AJ6KZ likes this.
  13. KE8OKM

    KE8OKM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Julian. Love your review and operating style. I am checking the HRO TX500 status daily. When they are physically in stock I will purchase one. HRO is pushing the radios arrival to late November now.

    OLDARCHER likes this.
  14. KI4WCA

    KI4WCA Ham Member QRZ Page

    See my avatar for my homebrew manual tuner! I put an AH-4 at the feed point of my 90 ft sloping wire and now tune 80-6
    and 160 with a series inductor between the tuner and the wire. I used to only use 160-20 with the tuner in the shack. Efficiency went up a lot with the tuner at the feed point. If I was doing portable QRP I would just build a small L-tuner and be done with it!

    That being said, the robot remote tuner is fantastic. I only recently made my first contacts on 10, 15, and 17 with it.


    Last week I ordered my TX-500 from the wonderful folks at HRO. Researching what other gear I need for QRP gear. Big fan of Julian (OH8STN) and Thomas Witherspoon, as well as those other “pioneers” that have embraced the new TX-500. Studying for my licenses, and hope to have them done by October a the latest. Best of All, to All who are Here…
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