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W0CHP Pi-Star Dashboard — An Awesome Upgrade!

Discussion in 'Videos and Podcasts' started by K0LWC, Jul 24, 2023.

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  1. K0LWC

    K0LWC XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I finally got around to installing the WØCHP Pi-Star image on my RPi3B+/DVMEGA hotspot. It’s a phenomenal upgrade to Andy’s original Pi-Star. It’s awesome to see hams collaborate for the betterment of the ham community by donating their time and expertise to projects like this!

    If you’re a Pi-Star user this is worth a look!

  2. NQ4T

    NQ4T Ham Member QRZ Page

    That's one way of looking at it.

    However, the other hand is that community has had to step-up because someone else won't. A number of these things were items people tried to get the Pi-Star people to implement. But they would not hear any of it. For example...W0CHP is working on supporting boards other than Pi. The Pi-Star people, even with the "supply shortages" still making Pi's outrageously expensive; they will actually censor anything that talks about running their software in some other way.

    The Pi-Star people might make the most used MMDVM software package; but the way the operate is anti-ham. "Our way or STFU".
  3. W2LPC

    W2LPC Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    curl -Ls | sudo env NO_SELF_UPDATE=1 bash -s -- -idc
    This script no longer works. Does anyone have a good overlay script for pi-star?
  4. W2PMS

    W2PMS Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    That overlay install method is no longer supported. You now just go to and download a disk image for burning to an SD card.
  5. KC3UEP

    KC3UEP Ham Member QRZ Page

    This new Dashboard/Pi-Star image is brilliant. So much better than the original one. It even comes with a super easy to use calibration tool. I love it :)
  6. W2LPC

    W2LPC Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Understood. Thank you for the information. 73' de W2LPC.
  7. VE3NY

    VE3NY XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    kc3uep I can't seem to get the mmdvm calibration tool to work. Clidk on Start and indicator light stays red. Any advice?

    Tom VE3NY
  8. W2LPC

    W2LPC Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    17Feb24. Downloaded latest Pi-Star image from W0CHP. Default login of "pi-star" and "raspberry" DO NOT WORK. I can not gain access to the bash prompt. Any ideas? Thanks. 73' de W2LPC.

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