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Help save WWV & WWVH please listen & do survey

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by W0IW, Aug 17, 2019.

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  1. W0IW

    W0IW XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    DOD Broadcast Message on WWV and WWVH

    From 14-24 August, WWV and WWVH will be broadcasting a DOD message at 10 mins past the hour on WWV and 50 mins past the hour on WWVH. As part of the message, all listeners are asked to take a listener survey at the URL specified in the message.

    The results of this survey are shared with WWV/H personnel to show their NIST chain of command how often their stations are monitored and how the various timing signals and messages are used by the listeners.

    Please take a listen to this message and take the the saying goes, "every vote counts" and your input to this survey is being used to help demonstrate the importance of these stations.

    Chief, Army MARS

    Attached Files:

    KC1OCA and W9JEF like this.
  2. W0PV

    W0PV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Just copied the broadcast message today 08172019 on WWV 10 MHz @ 2110Z .

    Listen to it at this link. Apologies for the poor reception quality.

    The web address copied for the survey was

    At the end I included the suggestion WWV/H also consider broadcasting alerts, status, and other info from other Federal agencies such as DHS, NWS, DOI, DOT, etc. for security alerts, severe WX , wildfire or other natural disasters, disrupted status of airport and other transportation infrastructures, etc.

    73, John, WØPV
    W0IW likes this.
  3. AI5DH

    AI5DH Ham Member

    No need for WWV anymore.
    N0YPD and AE8W like this.
  4. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    In your opinion, sure. Thanks for registering it.

    Others have every right to disagree however

    KC1OCA, W9JEF, K8MPP and 5 others like this.
  5. KB7CFV

    KB7CFV Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    KF5LJW do a little research---

    WWV is needed if you want and need accurate time and frequency. Tune your piano, check your comm monitor for frequency, needed for your home weather station clock, check hf propagation, check ur watch when the internet and sat signal is gone, just to name a few. Hear is a little info about that WWV and assoc., stations, see the following links;


    K8MPP, K0UO and W0IW like this.
  6. N0TZU

    N0TZU Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    FYI, I just listened at 10 after the hour and missed writing down the survey URL because it seemed to be just part of a message about a Tennessee 60m exercise. So don’t be like me, start writing as soon as the announcer says “go to www....”

    I realize that W0PV listed a URL above, but do we know the address doesn’t change with time? If I were trying to gauge the number of listeners I would likely change it during the day to avoid a bunch of fake responses.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2019
    K0UO and W0IW like this.
  7. K6CLS

    K6CLS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Learn something about the services they provide before you say that. Pop quiz, it's not all about the spoken time service: what else is it about?
    K0UO likes this.
  8. AI5DH

    AI5DH Ham Member

    No research needed. Perhaps you should do research and come up to date. With GPS anyone can get accurate time and frequency reference anywhere on the planet. Even your cell phone can do the same thing. WWV is like public television, antiquated long ago along with 8-track tapes. Time to quit wasting public funds on out of date technology. Time to pull the plug.
    N0YPD likes this.
  9. KB7CFV

    KB7CFV Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yes sir where do u think the GPS master frequency reference is derived from try NIST (clock maintained by Naval Labs.). GPS does not provide the same features that WWV and assoc., stations provide. Ham radio try to determine the propagation with GPS (NOT). Does GPS provide a standard frequency of 400 hz and 500 hz (NO), all of this available with a SWL receiver that does not go out of service in a heavy rain storm. A lot of consumer products use WWV to sync and provide that accurate time information. GPS (Global Positioning System) is a system to determine your position and is not a frequency or time standard unto it's self, it is understood that you need a good frequency standard (indirect timing standard) to determine that position.
    KC1OCA, W9JEF, K8MPP and 1 other person like this.
  10. K0UO

    K0UO Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    It may not be needed anymore but it is used tens of thousands of times a day by many groups around the world, from DOD, embassies, amateur radio operators, broadcast, industry, scientific, and not only in the United States, it's a standard reference used for a number of different things. NIST has established it and they coordinate standards which are utilized worldwide.

    True we could rely on GPS, but many groups still have not converted, so WWV is still being used. There's more choices than just GPS with WWV.
    There are literally millions of time source clocks using the low frequency transmitters from WWV for time ordination, you may have one in your home.
    Last year there was a rumor about the wWV station's being shut down but it was really just a budgetary delay, there was no serious thought of shutting the stations down. In fact I was involved in a study done by a Government Contractor and even in the U.S. government every single entity/ agency have time Source clocks using that information, many of these clocks are embedded in buildings and locations that cannot possibly receive GPS, no matter what.

    In case of a national emergency the DOD can still turn off GPS, what are you going to do then??? I'm sure the Russians are going to turn their satellite navigation off also. The Chinese and others can't Jam WWV as easy as they as they can disrupt GPS.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2019
    N0OCR, K8MPP and KB7CFV like this.
  11. N0TZU

    N0TZU Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I’ve heard that the DOD, State Department, and others have been starting to re-install HF communications equipment since its now realized that satellites will certainly be attacked virtually, electronically, and physically in the event of a major war with a space-capable enemy. Given that, it doesn’t make sense at this point to rip out the HF time stations for the relative peanuts that they cost the government annually.
    K6CLS and K0UO like this.
  12. KL7KN

    KL7KN Ham Member QRZ Page

    I can use the services of WWV/H without any extra equipment (No GPS needed) - other than the rig in use. I enjoy using a DDS based VFO. I also like knowing that I am on frequency, which I can do with WWV.

    As a taxpayer, I have no problem with the money spent on the system set. Other may not agree.
    KC1OCA, W9JEF, VK6APZ/SK2022 and 2 others like this.
  13. K6CLS

    K6CLS Ham Member QRZ Page

    You don't know how much is spent operating WWV, do you?

    hint: it's a few seconds worth of your military budget.

    In other words, a rounding error in accounting, considering the magnitude of these things.
    K0UO likes this.
  14. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    So we got it - you don't like WWV


    K0UO likes this.
  15. K8ERV

    K8ERV QRZ Member QRZ Page

    I just check my sundial.

    TOM K8ERV Montrose Colo
    WA7PRC likes this.

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