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FT-8 Digital Has Taken Over The HF Bands!

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KJ4YZI, Oct 16, 2017.

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  1. K2NCC

    K2NCC Ham Member QRZ Page

    G3NYY, WE4X, W4HM and 5 others like this.
  2. W9FTV

    W9FTV Ham Member QRZ Page

    I spoke too soon, I got a Ukranian station off the coast of Angola, and a partial with the Falklands on 12m. It was a pretty good day.

    Aren't these bands supposed to be closed this time of year? :)
  3. NY7Q

    NY7Q Ham Member QRZ Page

    K0PV/SK2023 and KG7VTO like this.
  4. W9FTV

    W9FTV Ham Member QRZ Page

    If yOu WaNt yoUr Caps LOCK KeY BacK unHaMed, SEnd moNEY ;)
    KX4CC, N2ADV, WE4X and 2 others like this.
  5. NO7GX

    NO7GX XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks for the information. Since I don't have a lot of power, I have learned a lot about antenna selection, setup, matching, and propagation. Even with my old restored ICOM IC-730 I can still be heard on SSB with a 100watts, and no more than about 5 to 10watts on JT65.
    KF5WKW likes this.
  6. KV6O

    KV6O Ham Member QRZ Page

    That's OK, nobody is forcing you to do them. Isn't this a great hobby? :D
    W4HM and NS8N like this.
  7. NY7Q

    NY7Q Ham Member QRZ Page

    KG7VTO and KF5WKW like this.
  8. W9FTV

    W9FTV Ham Member QRZ Page

    We all have to progress in life, Larry. Mastering the usage of the caps lock key is one of those rites of passage. BTW, I was a TT in the Coast Guard, one of our duties was to lovingly restore each and every TTY RM's abused mercilessly ;)
    K2NCC likes this.
  9. W6OM

    W6OM Ham Member QRZ Page

    How silly, if you want to be real ham on digital try learning CW. Opps I forgot the newbies are morons. Push keys instead of real communications.
  10. W9FTV

    W9FTV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Nah, not really, but it was fun. :D I will admit, FT/JT modes can get tedious at times. But then there's always SSB or screwing around with other fun stuff.
  11. W9FTV

    W9FTV Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm can't tell for certain, but this is irony; correct? :D
    KX4CC likes this.
  12. N4IJ

    N4IJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I agree that FT8 is boring. I have it on my PC and have made QSO's - or should I say my PC made QSO's. I knew I would get tired of it after I tried it. I don't operate PSK, but do get on RTTY at times.
    I was thinking about this a while back - if I were a paraplegic Ham I could operate FT-8 just by using that stick in my mouth to point and click. Hope that doesn't happen. Oh well, back to my
    project bench and some soldering. N4IJ

    p.s., the comments I see about FT8 working when CW won't would have to be proven to me. I can copy some really really weak CW signals.
  13. K2NCC

    K2NCC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Obviously you're someone who hasn't operated much digital modes. It can be way more complicated than Morse code. Sure, sounds easy, push some buttons, but getting to the QSO might take a lot longer than you think.

    Besides, how can you compare one mode to 100s of them and think the former is somehow better? Really depends on your wants/needs doesn't it? If no one is working CW at the moment, isn't it better to have alternatives? Some modes are still going strong long after Morse code has faded into the noise.
    KX4CC and N2ADV like this.
  14. W0PV

    W0PV Ham Member QRZ Page

    There has been plenty of discussion on this thread already pointing out the obvious flaws in the assertions of the OP.

    For successful use of FT8 or other digi modes it's essential to have a thorough understanding of how the radio-soundcard-PC software system works and make sure its properly set-up, amongst other parameters especially peak GAIN levels, both on xmit and rcv, to limit overdrive and distortion.

    Also, don't neglect using the tools built into the more sophisticated radios. FT8 slots are relatively narrow banded, < 50 Hz (!) So use the receivers filters, PBT, and NOTCH to assist with "single signal" detection. This works with FT8 too!

    However, there is another aspect that isn't being discussed much yet.

    If the majority of QSO's right now are being made on FT8, a fact indicated on PSKReporter and ClubLog stats, then why try to cram all that activity into ONE USB passband sized channel per band?

    If your operation is being hindered by a strong adjacent signal, just do what hams have always done,

    SPIN that BIG KNOB (and smaller knobs) on the front of your radio !

    Band plans and calling frequencies are just SUGGESTIONS! There is no rule or reg that requires staying exactly on the pre-programmed dial "channels" built into the WSJT software.

    An example of such operation, along with a good tutorial for advanced FT8 operation, is illustrated in the operating plans and tips published for the DX'pedition of E6AG. This focuses on moving away from simplex or single slot operation, which can be problematic when many stations are calling one, and instead use duplex or split frequencies, urging users to spread out. This can be done within the usual WSJT designated passband too, but of course this can fill up quickly, so note in particular the later section on use of "Alternate FT8 Frequencies",

    I have had HF FT8 QSO's with several DX stations that generated heavy pile-ups that have employed QSX splits outside the primary WSJT coded passbands and it works well.

    Surely this suggestion may cause on outcry from those who cling to there "reserved" frequencies; but "use it or lose it" forces will prevail to the majority. Again, look at the stats.

    Of course we are all gentle-OM's and YL's, bound by codes of conduct, so I am sure this can all be worked out in due time in a reasonable fashion. :rolleyes:

    73 de John - WØPV
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2017
  15. G4XLO

    G4XLO Ham Member QRZ Page

    I started off with FT8 about 3 weeks after it was announced, I am now on the RC2 version and find it very good, for me, I can normally only go on late at night when the family are in bed which is why I prefer it over SSB etc.

    Interesting comments re the notch filter - I run the FT450D and I don't usually have the notch filter engaged - what setting is best?

    I don't take the power above 30w at all times and have had a contact into VK a few weeks back - on checking PSK reporter last night, on 40 I was heard in Western Africa and VK (Sydney)

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